Ready to capture it all, and calling to get an ETA

All decorated and set up!

Watching for her car

She was totally surprised!

And especially shocked to see one of her friends who flew in all the way from Chicago just for her birthday.

Cookie cake is her favorite, and her nickname is Rockst@r R@chel. (I used the "@" so no one can catch me here.)

Our roomies reunited for a night on the town (two nights in a row!). We had one hot apartment! ;)

Yes, I missed K, but it was definitely an awesome weekend. Especially when one of your best friends tells you that you helped make it the best birthday she's ever had.
Funnn! You all look so cute! You captured some great shots that night. I almost feel like I was there - and I wish I had been, because that cookie cake looks delicious!
I'm glad you had a great weekend. I know it's hard missing your boy, but I bet your friend appreciated you being there. And you got to go back to Oklahoma! Hooray!
Yay for a great weekend and yay for a few more days and you can see K.
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