Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things I am so over

(FYI: This has nothing to do with bloggers or any blog I read. These are things I've realized over the last couple years -- since I graduated college and hang out more with people who are in their late 20s -- that I think suck.)

  • People who aren't old saying they're old. Seriously -- 30 isn't old, so 28 isn't either. Forty isn't. And if you have the right attitude, neither is 80.
  • People who are like 5 years older than me saying, "Oh, you're only 23? You're just a baby!"
  • Girls who are absolutely gorgeous looking in mirrors and pointing out every flaw they think they have. (On that note, totally loving the new Dove campaign, as I've blogged before.) Two of my old roomies did this a couple weeks ago. Girls, trust me, you're the only ones who see those "flaws"!

Be positive, guys and gals!


s said...

I totally agree with you, but I was having a hard time with the age thing and then it dawned on me that I may not be where I thought I'd be,but I am somewhere better :) It just took me awhile haha.I totally heart the dove ads. Wonderful.

my life is brilliant said...

S: Yeah, I was afraid you might think I was referring to you, so that's why I put the disclaimer. Definitely wasn't. You only blogged about how it was weird to be turning 25, not about how "old" it is.

My frustration is from people I've hung out with -- mainly girls -- who are 28 or 32 (or in that range) who keep talking about how old they are. I hate that game. We both know they're not old. Besides, if they were, that would mean I'm 5 to 8 years from being old, and that's much closer than I'd like to be. And if I'm still "just a baby!" how can I be 5 to 8 years from being old? Huh?

Yeah. I'll have to ask that question of the next idiot late-20-something who tries to whine to me about being old.

I'm determined to be one hot, young 50-year-old -- even 60-year-old if I can pull that one off. I don't need pessimists cramping my style before I even get halfway there! :)