Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The normal me has returned (whew!)

The cranky biotch has hopefully disappeared. I even felt motivated tonight at the gym! I got a pretty good workout, so I'm feeling good right now.

This better attitude today could have to do with several things:
  1. I went to lunch today with some coworkers, which means I got to be social. I even got to talk to a couple coworkers I really like in the kitchen area today.
  2. I got to bed about 45 minutes earlier last night than I have been getting to bed lately.
  3. Jeremy was able to go to the gym tonight after several late nights at work, which meant I had a workout buddy who knows more about the gym than I do, so I don't have to try to figure out what machines to do in a circuit by myself.
  4. K sent me roses for Valentine's Day. My living room smells awesome. I'll post pictures later.
  5. I enjoyed looking at the roses while I ate a couple Godiva chocolates K sent me for Valentine's Day as well.

I'm sure all those things helped, but hopefully it's really that whatever moody hormones temporarily invaded my body have realized they're not welcome. It's good to feel like myself again.

1 comment:

a tall sassy gal said...

Happy V-day!!!