Friday, February 16, 2007

Getting it out here

before I get to Norman.

So tomorrow is another old roommate's birthday, so all four of us old roomies are going to go out for dinner. I just got a call that "dinner" may be turning into having a meal at this very prentious new bar/club in Norman. I ate brunch there not long after it opened, and the place has the worst service ever. Ick.

Then, the birthday girl wants to go to a club. A club? Really? I don't like those! I'm not a huge fan of dancing -- especially when K isn't there. I don't want some icky, sweaty guy to come up and grind on me in ways strangers should not be moving even near you -- much less on you. Not my scene.

But it's the birthday girls' time. I'll pretend. But they're not making it easier for me to like this weekend.

1 comment:

thethinker said...

Good luck with the club (hopefully all of the sweaty guys will stay off of you).