Friday, March 19, 2010

I couldn't make this crap up

My interview yesterday afternoon went well. I managed to find another interview-appropriate outfit, and for the second time, I removed my purple nail polish and went for a springy coral.

The guy I had to meet this time was very nice. Not too much older than me. He kind of grilled me, but in a nice, pleasant kind of way. It was clear he just wanted to make sure I had relevant experience and would be able to handle the responsibilities the position comes with.

I think I actually passed. The line of questions made me a little worried about the fact my professional experience is primarily with editing, since this is a writing position, but I think I did a good job of playing up my writing experience and the range it covers.

I learned more about the position in the interview. The commute isn't quite as bad as I thought it would be (25 min instead of 30, but it's under half an hour, right?!), and I left feeling so excited about the possibility. I think I'd really enjoy the work, so my previously blase attitude about the outcome has changed. I do want this job.

The guy asked me for some writing samples. I was surprised that hadn't come up before. I sent them as soon as I got home.

The woman I had the initial phone interview with (she's sat through all 3 interviews I've had, actually) told me I probably wouldn't hear back from them until after K and I get back from vacation, since things are pretty hectic for them right now. She seemed really positive, and it was nice because she was basically telling me I could enjoy my vacation without having to worry about waiting by my phone.

So imagine my surprise when this afternoon, I had an email back from her. And somehow, I was even more surprised when I finished reading it:

They want me to come back AGAIN after we get back from vacation so I can meet another person!!! This time, they'll take me to lunch as well.

I'm confused.

It was at this point that I quit going back to Hooters. This job is a little different, obviously. I plan on going to this 4th meeting, but I haven't answered the email yet. I want to say something more than, "Sure! See you on Thursday!" (or whatever day we meet), but I don't quite know where to go.

I guess I should be honored I've made it through this many rounds, but I'd like to know if there are still others in the running at this point. It would be kind of nice to know how many more rounds there will be. (By the way, I still have no clue what the salary is -- or even if it's salary -- but I actually would rather like to know the first two most.)

I'm just not sure if it's OK to ask.


Liz said...

I think it's okay to ask. At this point in the interview process, they should have already offered that to you. I'm not sure if asking in an email is appropriate though. If you do go on the next interview, I'd ask then. They are really making you sweat it out. I sure hope you get the job!

Lindsay said...

Oh man, it is SO alright to ask about salary (call it "compensation packages" or something if you're specifically uncomfortable asking just about money). I'm shocked they haven't volunteered the info yet. Have they not given you any chance to ask questions when you have been there THREE times?!?