Monday, March 01, 2010

I'm on a roll!

I hung out with the MeetUp girl again tonight. This time, we were at her house with two of her friends watching the finale of The Bachelor. Thank goodness the company was so much better than the show!

Her friends were great. They were nice and funny, and they were really friendly. I could definitely hang out with all of them again!

The four of us laughed at how awful Vienna's hair is (the roots, the extensions, the fact she always wears her hair in that weird twisted-half-back style), how she does her eye makeup so that it looks like she has permanent black eyes, and how her entire wardrobe (including her swimsuit) seems to be teal. We laughed and rolled our eyes at the bachelor's comments. We cringed and cried out in disbelief as he kept pushing the classy girl away.

In commercial breaks, we talked about other things. Good restaurants. Boys and relationships. Pets.

It was laid-back. It was relaxed. It was catty at times (but seriously, Vienna?!). It was 100% girlie.

And it was awesome.


L said...

Sounds fun!!

Katrina said...

Hurray for girls nights! Good girlfriends are so worth the effort it takes to find them. :)

Glad you had fun!

Anonymous said...


So. Fun.