Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My camera needs a vacation now

Aloha! K and I got back from our trip to Hawaii this morning. Man, do I have some posts to write! I managed to take over 1,000 pictures over the course of our days in paradise. I've got some editing and paring down to do. Whew!

On our trip, we managed to:
  • Hike up a really, really tall mountain
  • Hike across a volcano crater
  • See the glow from lava
  • Visit a black sand and a green sand beach
  • Find ME in a pair of earrings
  • Eat a bunch of pineapple (although I can never get enough of that)
  • Have a blast on a sunset mai tai cruise
  • Spot a celebrity
  • Visit the summit of the tallest peak on the Big Island, which was over 14,000 ft. above sea level
  • Gain a few pounds, despite the crazy hikes we went on
I've got pictures of just about everything we saw and did on the trip (including some of the stuff that gave us the added weight). Hopefully in the next couple days, I can narrow down some of my favorites to share them here.

In the meantime, after spending late yesterday morning (Hawaii time) to this morning (Eastern time) in airports and on planes (3 flights with barely a layover between), I think sleep sounds good.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why didn't you guys tell me about this?!

Blogger friends, I have an announcement: I have discovered bobby pins.

They're fantastic. I've really started experimenting with them over the past few weeks. Last night when I discovered yet another I-don't-have-to-worry-about-shitty-hair-in-pictures hairstyle thanks to those tiny pieces of metal magic, I wondered: How did I not know about these before?

I've had a similar awakening with eye shadow. I don't do anything fancy, but where I used to be convinced I looked like a clown if I ever put it on myself (it was usually fine if someone else did it), I've finally come around. All it took was seeing a friend's subtle, neutral lids to get me to find a look myself.

So many of my girlfriends are great with this kind of thing. One of them even has the nickname "Queen of Parts" because she can change your entire look by just giving you a new part to your hair. Several are great at eye shadow, and a few less are great at hair, but still. I've always wondered how they managed to learn these things or just come up with such crazy, awesome hairstyles.

I mean, I'm girly. I always have been. I was never a tomboy. How did I miss out on the invitations to the Learn How to Apply Makeup and Cool Ways to Fix Your Hair classes? (Do they have those, by the way?)

But last night, I finally realized how it had happened. It all came together as I replayed my friends' answers to my, "How do you know how to do this?!" question: "I just played with it."

Really? That's it? And why didn't I do that?

See, last night, though, I remembered: I did.

There was the time I was admiring Stephanie Tanner's (I loved Full House. Who didn't?!) adorable half-pigtails. I wanted to recreate the look, so I tried it. My mom's response: "It looks like you have tumors growing out of your head."

There was the time I saw someone with a side part and thought it looked really pretty. I pulled out a comb, and I carefully parted my hair on the side of my head. I don't remember my mom's exact words, but her face said it all: It looked horrible. (She could've suggested I go for a little less dramatic side part by moving the part just a bit closer to the middle of my head.)

Anytime I tried some sort of clip or bow or other sort of fun twist with my hair, my mom said it looked like there was a tumor growing out of my head. And the one time I tried playing with her makeup, I got in big trouble. Granted, it was Merle Norman, which was evidently expensive, but I never touched her makeup again after that.

So instead, I'm left at age 26 discovering what most of the girly girls in the world discovered at least 10 years ago.

I'm a little behind, but it's nice to finally be here. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot more "keeper" pictures in my future!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I couldn't make this crap up

My interview yesterday afternoon went well. I managed to find another interview-appropriate outfit, and for the second time, I removed my purple nail polish and went for a springy coral.

The guy I had to meet this time was very nice. Not too much older than me. He kind of grilled me, but in a nice, pleasant kind of way. It was clear he just wanted to make sure I had relevant experience and would be able to handle the responsibilities the position comes with.

I think I actually passed. The line of questions made me a little worried about the fact my professional experience is primarily with editing, since this is a writing position, but I think I did a good job of playing up my writing experience and the range it covers.

I learned more about the position in the interview. The commute isn't quite as bad as I thought it would be (25 min instead of 30, but it's under half an hour, right?!), and I left feeling so excited about the possibility. I think I'd really enjoy the work, so my previously blase attitude about the outcome has changed. I do want this job.

The guy asked me for some writing samples. I was surprised that hadn't come up before. I sent them as soon as I got home.

The woman I had the initial phone interview with (she's sat through all 3 interviews I've had, actually) told me I probably wouldn't hear back from them until after K and I get back from vacation, since things are pretty hectic for them right now. She seemed really positive, and it was nice because she was basically telling me I could enjoy my vacation without having to worry about waiting by my phone.

So imagine my surprise when this afternoon, I had an email back from her. And somehow, I was even more surprised when I finished reading it:

They want me to come back AGAIN after we get back from vacation so I can meet another person!!! This time, they'll take me to lunch as well.

I'm confused.

It was at this point that I quit going back to Hooters. This job is a little different, obviously. I plan on going to this 4th meeting, but I haven't answered the email yet. I want to say something more than, "Sure! See you on Thursday!" (or whatever day we meet), but I don't quite know where to go.

I guess I should be honored I've made it through this many rounds, but I'd like to know if there are still others in the running at this point. It would be kind of nice to know how many more rounds there will be. (By the way, I still have no clue what the salary is -- or even if it's salary -- but I actually would rather like to know the first two most.)

I'm just not sure if it's OK to ask.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

This isn't the first time I've had 3 callbacks to get a job

Today's the day of the big 3rd interview for the potential job. I'm surprised it's taking this many interactions for them to make a decision, but it's not the first time I've been in this situation.

My junior year in college, I had an evening class. One of my friends and classmates came in and took her usual seat beside me. We talked about our days, and she told me She'd had a test run late earlier in the day, and it caused her to be late. She had gotten the "crappy section" at work, so she was annoyed. "Oh well," she said, "I still made $100."


I whipped my head toward her. "Where on earth do you work that -- on a Thursday afternoon -- you make $100 waiting tables in the crappy section?!!"

Clarece was smart, professional, put together. She was classy. She was always dressed up in nice, trendy boots or heels for class. She was nice. Sophisticated.

So I was shocked when she answered my question: "Oh, I work at Hooters."

She told me she'd worked there since she was in high school. She said the chain was trying to become more family friendly. She told me I should apply.

I thought about it. Why not, right? I told my roommates about it when I got home, and Rachel decided to apply with me. We laughed and joked about it.

We went the next week. Rachel had no waitressing experience, while I had a whole 3 months under my belt from my first summer back home after freshman year. Rachel was cute, and she had a fun personality. Surely they could train her.

The manager told Rachel they weren't hiring, and they (there were two on duty when we were there) asked me to come back the next day so I could meet another manager. When I returned the next day, Manager 3 looked over my application and asked me about my waiting experience. He asked me to come back one more time. I can't remember if Manager 3 was the summer hiring manager, or if the one I had to go back and meet was, but for whatever reason, I was going to have to come back a third time, the following Tuesday at 4:00.

In the meantime, my brother and dad were getting excited about my potential summer job. They were planning visits up to "see me" at work. My mom actually said to me, "You do know the reason people go to that restaurant?" (My response: "Sure! The chicken wings!") She told me she didn't care either way, as long as I knew people weren't really going for the wings. (Duh!)

My boyfriend at the time had a different take on it. He wasn't too crazy about the possibility of having a girlfriend who worked at Hooters. He'd talked about it with some of his friends, and a lot of people (girls especially) said it was one step above stripping.

But I had waited tables before. I had worked as a cashier for several years. I had dealt with flirting or come-ons in both. Sometimes guys are just guys. I knew Hooters had rules about touching the wait staff, so even though it's a much more laid-back environment than your average restaurant, it wasn't like customers would be allowed to be disrespectful or inappropriate.

So I found myself at the restaurant the following Tuesday just before my 4:00 appointment. I found Manager 4 (the final manager) leaning against the counter on the phone. "Oh, no!" he said. "They were supposed to call you." He had a conference call at that time, and he couldn't meet with me.

This restaurant was a good 20 minutes or so from my apartment, and gas was a ridiculous $1.75 a gallon. It was finals week, and I'd had to take off work just to drive up that day to meet the manager.

"Should I come back?" I asked him. "I'll just walk around the mall for a little bit or something. It's no big deal." The manager seemed reluctant, like he had a lot on his plate even after the call. But he started to agree. Me being me (and never wanting to inconvenience anyone), I said to him, "If another day is better for you, I can come back if I need to."

"Yeah ..." he said. "It's just really not a good day. As long as you come back by Saturday, we can start you on Monday."


When I got to my car, I immediately called Clarece. "What's the deal?" I asked her. "How many times do I have to go for them to decide if my personality and looks make up for my lack of boobs?!"

It sounded like all I had to do was go back one more time, and I'd be ready to go. But I was tired of making the drive. Why did it take four times? Plus, Brad was against it, and all those "one step above stripping" comments were getting to me.

I didn't go back. Instead, I wound up doing a small stint at On the Border before leaving to become a carhop at Sonic (much less stress, and much better money!).

Who knows what would have happened if I'd gone back to Hooters a fourth time. I always get a kick out of the looks on people's faces when I tell them that story. What's most funny is that the only time -- well, times -- I've been to Hooters were those three times I was there to speak to managers about a job.

It's probably better that way. Besides, I've heard their wings aren't that great.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"In Heaven there is no beer; that is why we drink it here."

Happy St. Patty's Day! What better way to celebrate than by posting about last weekend, when K and I traveled to PA to celebrate the holiday?

Evidently Scranton, PA, has a can't-miss St. Patrick's Day parade -- it's the 3rd-largest in the country. And what's funny about the "can't-miss" parade is that all of K's friends who've left their little hometown came back for it, which is why we made the drive too, but none of them actually go to the parade! Evidently the "can't-miss" part applies to the bar hopping after the parade.

We started off with lunch around noon -- at a bar, of course -- where we watched the parade on TV. Since we were planning to go all day long, I started off with Coke for the caffeine and a chance to hydrate before dehydrating. Turns out it was a good move, since our DD backed out on us, saying he didn't want to stay out until 2 a.m. (don't know why he couldn't have considered that before offering to be the DD 3 weeks ago)!

Once we got to downtown Scranton, I allowed myself to have a few beers until 7:00. I had just enough beer to loosen up and get a little buzz. Then we had dinner, and I was the sober observer after that.

We took a beginning-of-the-day picture after we were all together at the first bar downtown (second bar of the day, if you count lunch).

K and me, all greened up!

Love The Office; love the sign!

When K starts to get tipsy, he starts to flex -- a lot.

Funny shirts!

Since I was the DD, I figure it's not fair to share everyone else's drunken photos. So here's our end-of-the-night picture, taken at about 12:40 a.m. A much smaller group, and a very happy me. I was SO ready to go home! (Just so you know, K was totally acting in this picture. He wasn't that drunk. As for the guy on the bottom, not acting. He threw up as soon as he got out of the car at his house.)

Tonight there's more St. Patty's Day celebrating in store. This time, there will be a lot less driving. Fingers crossed that includes less driving on my part!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm on a moat ...

OK, so I should've posted this last week. I'm a little late, since we went the weekend before last, but the experience was too cool not to share.

K and I visited a museum on an Army post nearby. It's something we'd been wanting to do for a while now, and we finally got around to it.

The Casemate Museum shows the history of Fort Monroe, which is quite a historic place. It was fortified in 1609, and it's been an active post since 1823. It was once home to Robert E. Lee and Edgar Allan Poe, and Jefferson Davis was actually imprisoned there for two years.

The post actually has a moat, and the museum resides on it.

There were two bikes thrown into the moat!

The room where Jefferson Davis was imprisoned. They hung this huge Union flag in his room as a sort of poke at him, since he was president of the Confederacy.

K was impressed with how large the cannon rounds were ...

... especially when compared to how small the soldiers were.

The writing on this display says, "The average size of soldiers manning guns, like those you see here, was only 5'8" tall and 143 1/2 lbs. in weight. Compare yourself." Our friend standing beside this display is about 6'4".

Robert E. Lee's former home is right across from the museum.

Unfortunately, this post is set to close in 2011. I really hope whoever gets control of it takes care to maintain it. The rest of the post is just as charming and historic as the places we explored on the moat.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Update on the job

So I heard back about the job today ... sort of. They want me to come in again on Thursday. Evidently there's "one other person who needs to meet you." Hmm ... I'm confused.

Does this mean they'll be offering me the job, or does it mean they're still deciding? In the face-to-face interview, I met the person who would be my supervisor and the director. Who else would I need to meet?

I don't know the hours or salary of this job. I'd hate to drive there again, learn that information, and have it not be enough to justify the commute. Especially since I have to drive through traffic to one military base and one major tourist attraction on my way there. Yikes. I don't want to waste their time.

Also, all three of the references I gave them last week said they'd let me know if they were contacted. I haven't heard from any of them, so I'm guessing they weren't.

I'm planning on going to this additional interview, but the whole fact it's even an issue leaves me really confused. Considering they've already done a phone interview and an in-person interview, what else do they need to know?

And wouldn't you know I just repainted my nails to purple last Friday? Am I going to have to redo them in another color AGAIN?!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Not quite the type of outfit I expected to buy, but I was just as excited about it

Today was a great day for me. H&M, which I discovered and fell in love with after we moved to VA, opened a new store closer to us. Today was the grand opening.

Before, I had to make a pretty decent drive to visit my favorite store (which was probably good for our bank account). After lunch today, I found myself near the new store. I originally wasn't going to go, but the temptation proved to be too great. Especially when I drove by and saw the place wasn't as crazy-busy as I thought it might be.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw it: An adorable dress. Perfect for warm weather. Cheerful. My favorite color was all over it. I was in love with this dress.

Since ER told me she was pregnant, I have resisted the urge to buy something for the baby. It's her first child, and if I'm this excited about choosing gifts for the baby, obviously it's even more exciting for her and her husband. No, I've told myself, I'll let them register, and I'll get something then.

Since ER called me to tell me that little Nacho (what they called their baby, since ER's husband is Mexican) is in fact a nachette, it's been even harder to resist, but I've done it.

With this dress, though, I gave in. What was I supposed to do, when it comes with an adorable matching hat and a price tag of less than $10?! (LESS THAN $10!!!)

Did I mention ER's favorite color is yellow too?

See? Totally meant to be. And totally in the mail on its way to surprise ER.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Job interviews: Like first dates, but with a little more on the line

My face-to-face interview was yesterday morning. This means I spent the weekend and Monday putting way too much thought into stupid things.

What should I wear? Do I need to bring writing samples with me, even though they didn't ask for them? Will this shirt be too feminine? Is it bad to wear sleeveless?

I had painted my nails purple over the weekend. They were nicely done, with no chips or anything, but I worried that they wouldn't be right for the interview.

It's funny how clothes that are just fine for work can be all wrong for an interview. I wanted something with color, but not too much. Something bright, but not crazy bright, and no stupid power colors. I chose black pants -- my older pair, rather than the newer pair that fits more snugly -- a bright blue sleeveless shirt, and a light gray cardigan. Enough color, but not overpowering. I chose basic black pumps and simple earrings. And even though K assured me the interviewers wouldn't judge me for my nail polish, I painted over it.

The interview went well. It lasted about an hour. I think the position is something I'd really like. It would be interesting, and I'd get to work with a team. I'm worried about switching gears to writing, since I've been editing for the last 4+ years, but I think I could do it.

The director told me they're interviewing a couple more people, but I'm a strong candidate. They asked if they made a decision this week, would I be able to start next week? (Of course! I did tell them I'll be gone for a week at the end of the month.)

Yesterday afternoon, they emailed me for references. They sent me a writing test. The ironic part? They wanted me to write headlines. I hate writing headlines! It was my least favorite part of my first job in Dallas (and it was a huge part of my job). It's actually what I have most trouble with in blogging.

They told me not to spend too much time on the headlines. I did, but I told them I didn't. In the end, I'm happy with one of them, and I think the other is kind of dumb. I was just ready to be done, though, so I sent them in.

We'll see what they think. I do tend to be my absolute worst critic when it comes to things like writing headlines. And what's even more annoying is that they're so damn subjective anyway.

If they offer me the job, fantastic. It'll be nice to have income and an actual purpose to my day (other than cleaning the house over and over and going grocery shopping). I'll get out of the house and meet people. I'll use my degree.

If not, then maybe some of the other resumes I've submitted will amount to something. After all, this job would be a 30-minute commute. It's a little longer than I'd like, but I'm willing to do it.

And if none of the resumes amount to anything, well, at least it's warming up. It'll be a lot more fun to be unproductive on the beach than it is to be unproductive in our living room. No matter what happens, at least I'm done worrying about how my nail polish will affect my future.

My little reminders

See these? Know what they are?

That's right. They're gray hairs.

Know where they came from? My head. My 26-year-old head.

These are the longest ones I've ever found. I've been finding them for a while.

I remember the first time I gazed into the mirror and found these little intruders making their way into my brown, curly locks. I was 24. I was in Dallas, in my bathroom. My husband was on the other side of the world, saving the planet. I was doing everything I could to stay as busy as I could. I was planning our Dallas wedding, even though I had already planned one wedding.

There were only one or two grays, and they were short. Hardly noticeable. I was surprisingly nonchalant about them. It wasn't like I didn't expect them to come someday, you know? Plus, if when they start to take over my brown, curly locks, I'll just start dying my hair.

The thing is, I went through a lot to get these grays. The fact they showed up when they did makes me almost have an appreciation for them. Every time I find one, it's a reminder of how stressful that time was for me, how hard I worked to get through it, and how happy I am with the way things have turned out. Planning two weddings and watching the love of your life head off to war twice before you turn 25 isn't easy, but I did it. And we made it. Instead of a trophy, live gave me grays.

So every time I find a gray hair in my head, I smile to myself ... right before I pull it out. Just because I see them as a nice reminder doesn't mean I want the rest of the world seeing them too!

Friday, March 05, 2010

A sign I might be spending too much time around guys

I watched Bride Wars for the first time the other day. I had heard good things, so I was excited to see it -- just like I was when I saw The Proposal, Baby Mama and The Ugly Truth, since I'd heard such good things about them.

Somehow, every single one of those movies was disappointing. With Bride Wars, it got annoying watching such good friends let catty ridiculousness interfere with their friendship for so long. With The Proposal, I thought the story line was completely unbelievable. The last two just didn't do it for me.

I've always been a chick flick girl. Love Actually is my very favorite movie. I will forever love Pretty Woman and Steel Magnolias. The Wedding Planner, The Notebook, Sixteen Candles ... I love all of those. (I realize it's slightly blasphemous to throw The Wedding Planner in with that list, but Matthew McConaughey is just gorgeous.)

What I'm wondering, though, is if I'm just not a chick-flick girl anymore. The movies that I've loved most from the last few years have definitely not been chick flicks: the Bourne movies, The Hangover, Zombieland ...

It seems over the last few years, there've been a lot more chick-flick flops for me than chick flicks I've liked. The Family Stone and He's Just Not That Into You were huge letdowns. I think the last chick-flick I saw in the theater that I actually liked was Made of Honor.

This is odd, and a little frightening. It's left me with a few questions: Are other women disappointed with chick flicks lately? Have the plots just gotten old and uninventive? Have all the good ones been made?

Or is it just me -- has my taste in movies changed? Has the ridiculous amount of testosterone I find myself surrounded with started to take a toll on my movie taste?

And if that's the case, do I even bother watching the new movies I still want to see, like When in Rome, Up in the Air, and Valentine's Day?

Thursday, March 04, 2010

I made it to Round 3

My phone interview today went well. I learned a little more about the job, and I think it's something I might actually enjoy.

It's a writing position (which would require a bit of a complete gear switch after four years of editing), so I'm a little nervous about how long it'll take me to feel comfortable -- especially since my inner "you suck" voice is really strong when I'm not comfortable in my work.

It seems like I'd be working with a team on a regular basis, which is a huge plus. That's one of the things I missed most about editing -- working with people and truly feeling like part of a team.

The woman who conducted the phone interview said she felt a bit of a connection to me because I'm an OU grad. I guess when she was in school in NY, somehow a lot of her classmates were from OU. After we'd talked about 20 minutes, she asked me to come in for a face-to-face interview with the director.

When I told K about the interview, he congratulated me about getting a follow-up. "It's just a phone interview," I said. "What could I have said that would make them not want a face-to-face?" K told me I'd be surprised, that he's sat through plenty of awkward phone interviews that don't lead to in-person meetings.

I should be getting an email soon with different times to choose from for this face-to-face interview. Hopefully it goes as well as the phone one!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I almost want to have a baby now

I was looking around at cute OU baby clothes since I'm going to be a semi-aunt when I found these:

They're about the most adorable things I've ever seen (although I suspect they might fall to 2nd & 3rd when Baby Girl arrives in July).

Oh, someday ... Someday K and I will have a daughter (I hope!), and she will definitely have these in her wardrobe.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What an awesome day!

  • I got a card for free panties and $10 off a bra at Victoria's Secret.
  • I decided to go ahead and buy a new bra because I have three of my favorite kind, and they're almost all I ever wear. The more I have, the more I cycle through, and the longer they last. When I got to the register, the print I had chosen was on sale for $25 because it was evidently a Valentine's print. That means I got a $42 bra and an $8.50 pair of panties for $25.
  • There's a cute pair of purple faux croc peep-toe pumps I had been eyeing at Nine West. I couldn't justify buying them. I saw them at T.J. Maxx a few weeks ago, but I still told myself I didn't need them. They were less than $30, and I haven't quit thinking about them. When I went by T.J. Maxx today just for giggles, they didn't have my size (8.5). They did have a pair in size 7.5. I tried them on, and since they're peep toes, they actually fit! They're mine now!
  • I'd been wanting to find a cute, small serving tray for things like chicken parmesan. I found one at T.J. Maxx ... for $7.50.
  • As a true PA boy, K's favorite beer is Yuengling (which is brewed in PA, although they now have a second brewery in Tampa). Anyway, for a limited time, they're selling their Bock beer in stores. (Whether it's seasonal or a special beer, they don't always brew it.) We didn't know if we'd be able to find it down here, but K had been on the lookout. Today, I found some.
  • I got an email from another potential MeetUp friend!
  • I also got an email about a potential job. It's a web writing position. I've got a phone interview Thursday!

Ready for some island time!

K and I went to Hawaii in 2007. Because I had just started a new job and K had just gotten a new colonel at work, we didn't want to be gone too long. After our jam-packed four days left us with no time to even relax on the beach (Although we did go snorkeling, take a mini-hike, take surf lessons and go sky diving. There was a wedding in there as well, but no proposal or kissing for me.), we swore we'd go again, and we'd stay longer when we did.

Imagine our excitement when two of our closest friends, CG and Joe, got stationed in Hawaii! We knew we'd have to go visit them at some point. We were hoping to visit them sometime this August or September. In true military style, though, in mid-February, they found out they'd probably be leaving sooner -- like in August -- so Joe could go to a school.

K and I snapped into action and started working with them to find a time that would work for all of us to visit. So many of their friends and family members have trips planned over the next few months, but we were able to find a time that worked great for all of us. And this time, we're staying for seven days.

We booked the flights last night. In three weeks, K and I will be on our way to Hawaii!!! It's a little last-minute, obviously, but that's kind of how we roll.

I've got a lot to do until then! What better excuse to pull out my ab exercise ball? I think I'll get a spray tan so I don't blind everyone on the beach (I've had them for formal events. They're surprisingly good!). I can hit up the pre-season sales for a few more tank tops and maybe even cute skirts & dresses. I've needed a pedicure for a while, and now I can finally justify it.

I'M GOING TO HAWAII!! Woohoo! Maybe I'll even get to kiss K there this time!

Monday, March 01, 2010

I'm on a roll!

I hung out with the MeetUp girl again tonight. This time, we were at her house with two of her friends watching the finale of The Bachelor. Thank goodness the company was so much better than the show!

Her friends were great. They were nice and funny, and they were really friendly. I could definitely hang out with all of them again!

The four of us laughed at how awful Vienna's hair is (the roots, the extensions, the fact she always wears her hair in that weird twisted-half-back style), how she does her eye makeup so that it looks like she has permanent black eyes, and how her entire wardrobe (including her swimsuit) seems to be teal. We laughed and rolled our eyes at the bachelor's comments. We cringed and cried out in disbelief as he kept pushing the classy girl away.

In commercial breaks, we talked about other things. Good restaurants. Boys and relationships. Pets.

It was laid-back. It was relaxed. It was catty at times (but seriously, Vienna?!). It was 100% girlie.

And it was awesome.