Monday, May 07, 2007

Sorry to postpone ...

I had a huge, crazy weekend. I'm still exhausted -- and I went to bed at 9 last night!

K and I saw Spiderman 3 on Friday night, and I have to say I was kind of disappointed. The first two were definitely way better.

And that's all I'm telling you about the weekend for now. I know, I'm sorry -- really. I'll post tomorrow, though, all about it, complete with pictures! I know you're on the edge of your seats!

Oh, and I have to say thanks for all the comments after the mom post. I know that was a really long post, so I appreciate that so many of you actually read the whole thing. Thanks especially for reassuring me that I'm handling this well. It's good to hear that.


a tall sassy gal said...

Dying to hear how the ride went.

REally Spiderman was not as good??? I heard it was better than the last 2. I am dying to go see it.

California Girl said...

oh dear - i just read your post on your mom. She sounds depressed. What a thing to deal with. My mom is uber-high maintenance as well, but somehow we manage to deal with eachother.

You know what? Plan the wedding without her help. Seriously. Do the best you can. You might be surprised. My relationship with my dad was never great, and we planned our wedding with our money, and the contributions from my mom, and h's mom and dad. In the end, my dad gave me $5000. I was totally blown away. Just focus on the love. The rest will fall into place.