Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Who doesn't love The Question Game?

The Question Game is one of my absolute favorite ways to get to know people. K and I used to play it all the time when we first met, and it was cool to see what off-the-wall questions we could come up with to learn about each other.

It turns out you can even do this on blogs!

Karen did this a few weeks ago, and I thought it would be fun to have her ask me three questions. And then my life promptly got insanely busy. Now, it's been weeks since Karen came up with her questions. Things are finally slowing down, and I can put her wait to an end.

Better late than never, right? (Liz, I'll answer yours soon too!)

(If you want me to give you three questions, let me know in the comments!)

1. If your apartment building were to (god forbid) burn down, what is the one thing you would make an effort to save?
This question is a surprisingly tough one to answer. I've thought a lot about it over the last month (yes, it's been that long since Karen sent me these questions.). My first instinct was to say this really pretty music box that my high school ex-boyfriend's mom gave me when I graduated high school. John and I had just broken up, and she was taking it as hard as I was (she didn't have a daughter). She gave me a card with the sweetest note in it along with the jewelry box. It meant more to me than anything else I got for graduation. I would be sad to lose it.

I have a few other very meaningful things too -- things my dad gave me that he picked out himself. My dad is one of those men who isn't big on shopping. He has no idea what to choose for a gift for girls, so when he goes in and chooses something specifically for me, I love it even if it's something I wouldn't have chosen on my own simply because he took the time to pick it out himself.

At the same time, when I think of things that are absolutely irreplaceable, there's one thing that comes to mind. I've cried when I've had them and lost them in the past. I've got a zillion and one of them, but each one is special to me. Some are in as good of shape as the day I brought them home, and some are bent up or old, but they mean just as much -- if not more -- than the crisp, new ones: my pictures. I think I would grab as many of those as I could.

2. Aside from visiting your very cute boyfriend, what do you like to do most in your free time?
As pathetic as it sounds, in my free time, I just like to relax. Whether I'm kicking back watching TV, hanging out with friends or reading about the lives of my blogger buddies, it's good to just relax. (Assuming, that is, that I've been productive that day and have already gone to the gym.) :)

3. What is your biggest guilty pleasure? And yes, you have to admit it in front of all the Internets!
Oh, gosh. You had to ask this, didn't you? This is also a tough question because I'm not a fraid to admit a lot of things I do. I'm cool with the fact that I'm easily excited and that I like some things that others might think are dorky.

A guilty pleasure is tough, though. To me, if it's a true guilty pleasure, it's something I do often -- unless it's something that I just get extreme enjoyment out of, only do from time to time, and think about a lot or look forward to my next opportunity to partake in that activity.

I eat ice cream when I come home from the gym, but I'm not ashamed to admit that. In fact, I think it's pretty awesome. Besides, it's light ice cream, so it doesn't even count. And I've blogged about my love of Dreyers a few times.

There are a couple things I can think of:
  1. *grimacing* I actually like Hanson's music. I know, I know! It started in junior high, though. I had dislocated my knee the very first time, and I'd had surgery. I was trapped on the couch day in and day out for six weeks. This was right after "Mmmbop" came out, and people were finally starting to get tired of those three blonde boys from Tulsa. I had hated them while everyone else liked "Mmmbop." I thought they looked like girls, and their voices were awfully high. Well, when you're stuck on a couch for so long, cabin fever sets in, and there's no controlling what your brain thinks. I saw Hanson in interview after interview, and their video was on VH1 and MTV quite a bit. They started looking kind of cute (again, on a couch by myself for six weeks), and their songs were light and fun. Next thing I knew, I was buying the cassette tape. I have all their CDs but the last one, which was actually released sometime in the last couple years. I have no idea what's on it, but I do enjoy a bit of Hanson music one or two times a year.
  2. The Hills. Again, I know -- but at least it's not Laguna Beach Season 3 (those kids are WAY to snobby and fake for me to watch that show!). I think Heidi is WAY too pretty for Spencer, who's way too much of a player and really not even cute. In fact, I think Spencer looks like a toolbox. And Lauren was so smart to finally dump Jason. I hope it's for good this time. I don't know if this counts as a guilty pleasure, though, because I don't watch it often. Part of this is because I don't know what time it comes on. When I really think about it, though, it could be because MTV doesn't appear to actually have a schedule for its shows. I think they just play reruns of My Super Sweet 16 as many times as they can, and when they run out, they throw in Jackass, The Hills and that icky new show about people who break their bodies in crazy ways doing stupid things (I think it might be called Scars).
  3. I love Wheel of Fortune. I would totally kick butt on that show. If I'm home before 7 on a weeknight, I'm SO tuned in to that show. Again, though, this is something I'm not really afraid to admit. Like I said, I've embraced my inner dork.

I guess that makes Hanson my biggest guilty pleasure. Can it count, though, if it's so infrequent? (I guess it does if I'm totally planning on adding them to my iPod now ...)


Anonymous said...

Can I pitch in 3?

1. What is your favorite t-shirt?

2. Where is the most peaceful place you have ever been?

3. Are there any bloggers you would like to meet in person?


a tall sassy gal said...

Give me 3 questions...this looks like fun!