Friday, July 13, 2007

At least I got caught up yesterday

I'll be on hiatus for a few days. I'm headed up to Pennsylvania this weekend to see K for the first time since early June. I'm excited, but we'll be really busy. There are about 500 people we're supposed to see up there this weekend. It'll be fun, but hectic.

Go figure that with everything I had to do tonight, I wound up working late -- until 8. I got home, ready to do some laundry and get to packing, only to find that my laundry room is still not back in order.

The maintenance guys have put up fresh sheetrock and painted the room. I guess they were waiting for the paint to dry before moving my washer and dryer back in. Which meant that it (I have a stackable) was still on my front porch. Classy.

I was able to go to a friend's apartment to do laundry, but it meant I got a really late start on everything I needed to do, since I can't pack while I'm at someone else's place.

So now it's 1:15, and I'll be waking up in 2 1/2 hours. At least I'll be excited when I wake up because it'll mean I'm on my way to go see K. After that little sleep, I'm gonna need all the help I can get!


a tall sassy gal said...

Glad you were able to do laundry!

Katrina said...

I'm pretty sure this isn't what Shakespeare meant when he said "the course of true love ne'er did run smooth", but if he'd had any experience with modern appliances I'm sure he would have included it!

Have a wonderful time on your trip!