Tuesday, July 03, 2007

And then there was one

I live by myself, in a one-bedroom apartment, with one bathroom. It's perfect for just me. I've lived by myself for one year, 11 months and three weeks. For a likely OCD person who loves things to be "just so," that's a lot of time to get used to finding things right where you left them.

I love having people come to visit me -- especially if it's someone I haven't seen in a while -- but at the same time, if they stay for several days, I'm always glad to have my place to myself again.
It was great to see CG again and to have her staying with me. We went dress shopping, looked at magazines, and hung out and caught up. It was nice.

However, we are totally different people. I like my air conditioner set to 78. To me, the air conditioner is a mechanism that makes your home cool, not cold. Not to CG. She prefers to be bundled up under blankets in the summer. CG feels "sticky" and hot when I feel comfortable. But the biggest difference (at least when she's staying at my place, it feels like the biggest difference) is that I'm ultra-neat and orderly, while she's quite a bit more on the laid-back side -- but only when it comes to cleaning.

CG talks at about 300 miles an hour, and she always has really long stories to tell; she constantly flips through channels on TV; she tosses and turns in her sleep; and she's developed a recent list of random allergies (dairy products and even Mary Kay makeup) and a very opininated stomach (Saturday night, she had a stomach ache and thought Mexican food would give her indigestion. Sunday afternoon, she was craving Mexican. So much, in fact, that we had it again at her request last night.). She requires a lot of energy. But it's one of the things I love about her.

I really enjoyed her visit. But I'm really going to enjoy having my cozy little place to myself again.


Anonymous said...

They have names for women like CG, "High Maintenance" is one of the ones I'm thinking of.


a tall sassy gal said...

I know exactly how you feel I love having people around but after a few days it is nice when they leave.