Friday, July 06, 2007

Much less stressed than a week ago today

Remember that huge, terrible, awful decision I had last Friday that I was supposed to make all by myself? Well, I didn't. I mean, I made it, just not totally by myself.

My co-worker, Brian, came along with me Friday on our lunch break to Place A. There were several things he just didn't like about it. I took pictures and video, and I showed it to other co-workers. I sent it to K. And Heather. And CG.

On Saturday, I brought Heather and Brian with me to Place B. I talked to the woman there who I've loved working with from the beginning. I was honest with her, telling her about how the other place had made my decision really difficult with the $3,000 we'd save. I apologized for taking so long to get her my signed contract.

Being in the large, spacious ballroom again with its twinkly lights on the ceiling, and working with a woman who gave me plenty of info without making me ask all the questions (after all, I'm not the one with all the wedding-planning experience, although I think I'm getting there quickly!) made my decision much easier than I thought it would be.

I'd loved that place from the beginning, and that's where I'd wanted to go all along. The thought of having $3,000 more to use for other things just had me blinded. The woman at Place B was awesome, though, giving me tips on how we could reduce our price there as well. And the best part? We can totally have Italian food and BBQ there too!

I was sold. I signed the contract -- quite happily, and with no fear that I'd made the wrong decision.

Although I totally wasted their time since I was ignoring the fact my mind was made up already, it was nice to have my decision confirmed by two very honest friends with very good taste.


a tall sassy gal said...

It was fun..not a waste of time!

Anonymous said...

Yay! It sounds like you made the right decision!

s said...

sounds perfect!!