Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Something to look forward to

I'm working late again tonight. Ick.

I heard from K the other day, and he's doing well. He told me they recently got to choose when they want to come home for R&R later this year. K will come home in September. I'm really excited to know when he'll be here because it really gives me something to look forward to and a shorter countdown! Plus, if he's home in September, he'll probably be here for our anniversary.

Here's hoping all these busy days go by quickly so September gets here fast!


Anonymous said...

You know he sounds like a really thoughtful guy.


Katrina said...

That's wonderful! Hurry, September!

Anonymous said...

that's so nice that you'll be able to spend your anniversary together. i can't imagine being without my husband for as long as you'll be without yours.

s said...

aww, that is something to look forward too!