Tuesday, April 06, 2010

I guess the interview did go well

They called today to offer me the job. I start on Monday.

After almost five years of editing, I'm a little nervous about switching gears to writing. I used to be good at it before I became an editor.

Here's hoping I don't suck at it now!


OK, now I'm stressed. Here's why:

  1. I haven't written -- really written -- in years. What if I suck at it?
  2. I only get 10 vacation days. I know that's standard, and that would be fine if my husband didn't get like 2 or 3 weeks off in the summer and 2 weeks at Christmastime -- in addition to several four-day weekends and every national holiday.

    The company I'll be working for has to work a lot of the holidays. Where I worked in Dallas was similar, so they compensated by giving us 20 personal days (vacation/sick/personal/whatever) to use as we pleased over the course of the year. And we could work from home. I can't do that at this job.
  3. My stepsisters are visiting me in May. I feel bad that I'm going to be at work during their visit, but it's partially their fault for booking it Monday through Saturday (when the dates they'd asked about were a Wednesday through Sunday).
  4. I only get 10 vacation days. I don't know if you noticed, but we're gone a lot. In the next few months, I have: (a) a best friend giving birth to her first child [not that I'll be there for that, obviously, but I'd like to visit], (b) a shower to cohost for said best friend and her first child, (c) a close friend getting married, (d) a shower to throw as maid of honor for said close friend, (e) a family reunion in Oklahoma in July, (f) a wedding in Niagara Falls in July, (g) a honeymoon to take in September [finally], and (h) family to visit for Christmas in both PA and OK. Not to mention the fact I'd really really like to make it back for an OU football game next year.

    That's way more than 10 days. Granted, a lot of that will happen on the weekend, but at the same time, a lot of it requires a fair amount of traveling (and sometimes even preparation). I can't squeeze all of it into two days each!
  5. [Yes, I'm aware this one is pretty stupid to be stressed about.] I love being able to eat lunch with K most days. This job will be in the opposite direction from where he works, so no more lunch. Bummer.
  6. What if I suck at it? What if I disappoint them?

Isn't finding a job supposed to make the stress go away?

Boo .....


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, girlie! I am so, so, SO excited for you. Wheeee!

Liz said...

Congrats on the new job. Try not to get too stressed. I actually always get so scared & nervous whenever I start a new job. And as for the vacation time, that just sucks. 10 days a year is just wrong. Do you get sick days? Do you get more vacation the longer you've been there? I hope you manage to do all your traveling this year. When I switched jobs when I first moved to SF I had the same deal & I spent 2 years only taking vacation time to visit my family because that's all I had. I HATED it!