Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm thinking fudge brownie would do the trick

My husband is eating ice cream.

My lunch was delayed for a good half hour because I couldn't find a way to politely excuse myself from a conversation about coworkers' travels.

By the time I did get my lunch, I was starving. It was gone in 5 minutes.

I'm still hungry.

I'm trying to decipher a project I'm supposed to finish by the end of the day. I have no clue what I have to do to start it because I haven't had training in the program that holds that information.

I called K to find out if asking, "Can I get a bit more direction on this?" sounds rude. That's when he told me he was eating ice cream.

This afternoon, I have an hour-long meeting, an appointment to go to (for work) that will take at least 30 minutes, and a lot of figuring out to do before I can begin and (hopefully) complete this project.

I'd rather be eating ice cream.


L said...

I always want/need plenty of guidance before beginning a project. I try to write out some questions I have and then approach my boss by saying I have a few questions about the project, and I say that I want to make sure we're on the same page or something like that. I've never experienced any negative feedback when I ask.

my life is brilliant said...

I've sent the questions. Hopefully I get an answer by the time I get back from my meeting. Otherwise, this deadline is in trouble!