Monday, April 05, 2010

Turtle Beach pictures

I swear, this jet lag is killing me! It probably doesn't help that K and I were total night owls on Friday and Saturday night, so we slept way too late both mornings. Last night, we were in bed before midnight, but it took us forever to get to sleep. Yuck. Hopefully we beat this crap soon!

I've got more pictures to share from our visit to Turtle Beach!

We were able to catch this guy sunbathing in the sand.

Turns out the turtle wasn't the only one sunbathing that day!

K and CG hunted for beach glass in the rocks, and K managed to find a sand crab. Isn't he cute? 

One of my favorite pictures from my first time in Hawaii in 2005 was from Turtle Beach, so I was glad to visit it again with my new(ish) camera


CG and me. Friends since freshman year at OU, when we were in the band together. She left after that year to go to a smaller school. Thank goodness we kept in touch! She's still one of my closest friends, and she's our matchmaker! K and I met at her wedding. 

My husband is such a stud. :)

Many, many more pictures to come. They only get cooler from here!

1 comment:

L said...

I'm going to have to remember all these great things you've done when I go . . someday. It sounds like such a fun trip! Um, is that Hawaiian guy wrapping his leg around K's? haha I love that picture.