Thursday, December 14, 2006

Like little reality TV shows

Hello, friends! I miss you! Things have been so crazy since Thanksgiving. I went back to Oklahoma, and once I got back to Dallas was immediately getting ready for K's return from Afghanistan. I was there for several days, and once I got back to Dallas, I had a lot of things to do around here. Then, K was in that weekend (which was last weekend). It's left me very little time to blog and almost no time to read any!

Work has been crazy, too, and most days I take a few brain breaks a day by escaping to read your blogs. I haven't even really had a chance to do that, since everyone's taking off work because it's the holidays. It puts a strain on those of us who are still there.

But I'm catching up, and I've missed you! I've thought about all of you a lot while I've been unable to read about your lives.

When I was little, my mom and I both had penpals from some Victorian magazine -- I don't even remember which. Anyway, it was fun to keep in touch with my penpals and to find out what was going on in their world, as well as to share what was happening in mine. That's what I like so much about blogging. I really do think of you all as friends, and it's fun to read about your lives as they happen. It's kind of like a reality show that never ends.

I'm slowly catching up on reading. Sorry for the barrage of comments on your posts, since I'm reading them all one after the other. A good thing I've noticed, though, is it seems that for everyone I've caught up on so far (alphabetical order, if you must know), life has taken a turn for the better. How exciting!

I couldn't have written it better myself.


s said...

hahah, you are too funny! i loved getting all the comments from you today-i missed all of the comments! oh, on a side note the picture from april is up north on the island- i did not go to med school up north by any means. i forget that i never really told you guys where i went to medical school, but it was in the carib. so this whole new york winter is esp. brutal this year.

i can't believe you were in ny for new years last year. i always figured that times square was filled with out of towners :).

Pink Sun Drops said...

Does that mean I'm last on the list? hehe. Glad you're back and things are a little calmer, though it'd be even better if K was still there. Hope things at work don't get too crazy so that you can enjoy the holidays somewhat!

a tall sassy gal said...

Aww how sweet. I consider you a friend too and love reading your blog and keeping up with your life.