Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Trying not to scream (with excitement) right now

My cousin, who's like 16 days younger than me, called me last Friday to tell me she had gotten engaged the night before.

We were pretty close growing up, since her family lived in OKC, only a few hours away. She visited our grandparents quite a bit, and my brother and I would always stay the night with my grandparents when she was in. Well, she and her family moved to Hawaii a few years ago. I visited them for spring break my senior year in college and (of course) had a blast. They're moving back this spring.

I was pretty excited and surprised to hear my cousin's news. I asked her when the wedding was going to be. She said they'd either have it in March in Hawaii or after in Oklahoma, depending on her schedule and her fiance's. He's in the Air Force and in March is getting stationed at Tinker AFB, which -- conveniently enough -- is in OKC.

Today she sent me a message saying they're planning on a day in March. I had told K last Friday about her getting engaged and told him I was probably going to go to the wedding and wanted him to come, too. Well, my cousin officially asked me today to be a bridesmaid. Her parents (my aunt and uncle) will pay for me and the maid of honor to fly out there for the wedding!

I'm going to Hawaii!!!


a tall sassy gal said...

Take me take me....my friend had her baby and I want go see him. How awesome!! Now is K going to be able to go?

s said...

yay!! so much fun.

Alyssa said...

you are so meeting em for lunch or something! How cool is this???!!!