Friday, December 08, 2006

T ... G ... I ... F!!!

Today did NOT start out well! I was taking out my trash this morning since K and his two friends were supposed to come here tonight (normally I would have done it tonight, since there's nothing smelly in there) when my phone fell out of my pocket and broke. Really broke -- like can't see the screen and can't hear the person talking when they call. Can't read text messages. EEK!

Work was crazy hectic, and I actually wound up getting so stressed that I cried for a couple seconds (that was it) because someone said something that threw me over.

Anyway, luckily my day ended fine. Work turned out fine, and everything got done, even though half our office -- including my boss -- was gone. We survived. K called me, and it's now just him coming this weekend, which is awesome, since it's the last time we'll see each other until New Year's, probably.

And I just went by Cingular, and a guy working there gave me his card and told me to call the warranty office. I'm getting a new phone!

K should be here any minute, and we're going to go to a Mexican restaurant and have dinner and margaritas. What started off as such a crappy day is turning out to be quite a good one! :)

1 comment:

a tall sassy gal said...

Ok I flew back on Friday and we went to Gloria's for dinner. Don't tell me that is where you guys went? hahaha