Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The things you'd never say

I got this post idea from s of New Beginnings and New Dreams. After struggling about whether or not I should say one of the things, I decided it would be best to get it out here.

The instructions s wrote on her blog, "the point is to list 10 things you want to say to people, but never will. don't say who the person is, either."

Most of these things will be negative, since if I have a positive thing to say, why would I keep that from the person?

1) I wasn't prepared to see you there that night since you had absolutely no business being there. I think it's really lame that you crashed that banquet. I also think if you had any integrity at all, you wouldn't have accepted the door prize. If you had the smallest fraction of integrity, you'd have given it to one of your co-workers who actually was supposed to be there. I don't think I have room in my life for people with no integrity.

2) You really disappointed me. I thought of any of my friends, you'd be there for me when he was gone. How could you talk to me for only 5 minutes and not even ask how he was doing or when I'd last heard from him, only to end our conversation because you had something else to do? Because of you, though, I've made sure I'm much better about doing what you didn't. But I still expected more from you.

3) You lied to me so much growing up -- probably more than you told the truth. You tricked me, you "tested" me, you walked over me, you used me. You stole my first boyfriend. It's sad it took me moving to college to find out what a real friend is. And you're still back home. With an arrest warrant. (Karma's a bitch!)

4) I don't know who you are, but if I ever meet you, I might hit you. You're not totally to blame, but you helped her hurt my dad. You knew what you were doing, and you had a family too. You put your "needs" over my feelings, my brother's feelings, my dad's feelings, your kids' feelings and your wife's feelings. You disgust me. I'm pretty sure karma got you, too, though.

5) I'm glad you realized it wasn't going to work out, but damn you for hurting him like that. You've made a lot of things easier for me, but you've made several things harder, too. He's happier now. And honestly, I hope you are, too.

6) We're friends, but I can only handle you in small doses.

7) Why do you all treat him like that? He's had a rough life, and none of it was his fault. Don't add to it.

8) I hate the way you let your kids take advantage of him. He works so hard, and he's not rich. And stop wanting all these expensive things!

9) That place is not your playground. Or your personal refrigerator. Stop eating everything. And when he pays for your dinner, eat it!

10) Why do you have to be so bitter? Why do you only come around when you need something? Why don't you ever thank him when he helps you? Why don't you straighten up?

Whew! I'm not even kidding -- that really does feel better! I think I might have just gotten out every piece of anger I have.

I am now convinced everyone should do this.


nothing said...

i'll try it. hopefully it helps.

Xunis's Word

s said...

i swear it made me feel a 1,000 times better. i left all that negative stuff on my blog and it is not entering my 2007.