Friday, December 29, 2006

Why do I suspect a man was in charge of this study?

I saw on Good Morning America this morning that a new study has come out saying that doing household chores reduces a woman's risk of breast cancer by up to 30 percent.

What is this, 1952?

Evidently the light exercise of activities like dusting is more beneficial to women than "strenuous activities" like sports, the show said.

I'd like to see this followed up with a study about how buying jewelry for a woman reduces erectile dysfunction, or how sending flowers reduces a man's risk of hair loss.


RosieBoo said...

This is why I watch Matt Lauer and the Today've got to be kidding me! :)

Hmm, do you see many bald men at the florist? ;)

Liz said...

Brilliant post! That is just outrageous.