Thursday, August 17, 2006

Birthday girl

My birthday is today. I'm 23. I have no exciting plans tonight -- just going to the gym. And that's fine. That's intentional.

I went out last night with the Wednesday girls -- ER and Emily -- and we had a great dinner at a Mexican restaurant. We had margaritas and did the whole birthday thing, so the wait staff brought out this chocolate-covered brownie that was hidden under a mound of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream -- perfect. :) Then, we went back to ER and Emily's and watched Project Runway. ER has gotten me into that show. Plus, Kahne is from Norman (where OU is)!

Rachel's coming tomorrow, and I haven't seen her since last October. We've been friends since kindergarten and roommed together all through college, so this is the longest we've gone without seeing each other our whole lives. I'm excited.

ER, Rachel and I are going to dinner tomorrow night. CG is coming, too, and hopefuly her husband Joe will come and not feel bad about being the only guy. Jeremy, my workout buddy/"personal trainer"/college friend, will meet up with us afterward with some of his friends. He turns 25 tomorrow, so it'll be a dual birthday celebration!

I'm really bummed that K isn't here to celebrate. He's actually still in the country, which makes it more frustrating. He left on Tuesday and flew from Houston to Baltimore. He got to Baltimore, and his flight to Germany was delayed 24 hours due to mechanical problems. So yesterday afternoon, he returned to the airport, only to find out his flight was delayed again because the plane was diverted to Indianapolis for some reason. I'm seriously ready to just fly to Baltimore. But I'd rather him be delayed now, when he's trying to leave, than when he gets back. Hopefully tonight he'll make it out of Baltimore and fly to Germany, and then on to Afghanistan. I miss him already.

But I'm looking forward to this weekend, and even though I was bummed that K was leaving so close to both of our birthdays, I really think it's turning out to be a blessing. The good thing about birthdays is that they remind you how many wonderful people are in your life, and people take a moment out of their days just to wish you a good day and send some nice words. It really makes you feel good, and I'm always surprised to see messages from people I haven't seen in a long time.

In fact, it makes me want to take time out of my day to do the same. I think I'll make it a birthday resolution. :) This year, I'm going to make a habit of sending messages and cards to friends just because. It's a pretty good feeling to feel special.


Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetie! I hope it's a wonderful day... I'm sorry about K being gone :( I'm really proud of him for serving our country... and you for supporting him.

Katrina said...

Happy Birthday! I really wish you hadn't posted your age, because knowing that I am a whole decade (and fifteen days) older than you is actually causing gray hairs to pop out on my temples even as I read this! On the up-side, I can't get the imagery of brownie drowning in a sea of molten fudge under scoops of vanilla ice cream out of my head. I might have to get me one of those. You know, as compensation for losing my youthful luster or something. ;)

Hope your week is wonderful!

s said...

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday girl!! Sorry K is gone, too. Wish I could make it feel better, but it sounds like you have friends who are taking care of you.

Courtney said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (Sorry I missed it!)

Wow! So many August b-days. Hope your day was awesome!