Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Don't tell my laptop I said this

I said on my blog yesterday that I'd try to post pictures from last weekend. I tried. I did. My computer, though, officially sucks. And a year ago, I didn't really know. I knew it wasn't awesome, but that's not the same.

Then K came into my life and into my apartment, and he made fun of my old laptop. He asked how long I'd had it. "Not that long," I said. "My mom bought it used for me when I started college." That was four years earlier. K informed me that that is very old for a laptop. I had no idea.

Since then, he always makes little jokes about my laptop or groans when it takes 10 minutes to turn on and be ready for me to use the Internet. But I always told him it's just fine for my purposes. I only use it to go online and to store pictures. I don't need a new laptop to do that!

And then it stopped turning on sometimes. That's frustrating. I started looking into buying a new laptop. I found one I liked, a Dell, that seemed to fit everything I need -- large storage capacity, Internet access and a power button that works. For like $600.

Six hundred dollars?!! That's a lot! I could get so many things with that -- work clothes, new tires, new shoes, cute furniture ... I'm not an electronics girl, so I would rather spend money on so many more useful things than a laptop.

But last night when I went to load my pictures, my computer wasn't working well. It was taking so ... long ... to do ... everything. And not all the icons on pages were loading. I think it's seriously about to bite the dust.

And it's all K's fault. My laptop was working fine (most of the time) before he started making fun of it. But $600?!

I'm so not gettin' a Dell. :(


Courtney said...

I hope you are backing up all the stuff you have on your old laptop -like pictures and whatnot... b/c one day when it decides to really crap out... all that stuff will be GONE!

Anonymous said...

I second what Courtney says! Mine did that to me. Fortunently I have an electronic minded hubby that saved my stuff except for emails but I still went without it for four weeks!! $600 seems pretty good for a nice new computer. Seriously it will be soooo worth it once you start using it.