Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hello, I was SLEEPING!

This morning I was on my mode of mass transportation to work. It takes 45 minutes. (I know!) I read Quick, which is a little tabloid-sized newspaper that has entertainment news, world news and everything else you want to know that's going on in Dallas, Texas and the U.S. They pass it out to you at all the mass transportation stops. So anyway, I was reading that, and it was a bunch of depressing news: (1) The 4-year-old Dallas kid who died a couple weeks ago didn't die of heat stroke on the playground. Instead, the day care owner didn't realize he was in the van, and he died in there. No one knew until the kid's brother noticed (hours later) that he hadn't seen the kid. (2) More poeple died in Iraq. (3) Israel war stuff. (4) Everyone hates Mel Gibson. (5) A 16-year-old boy shot someone -- a 14-year-old. On purpose. (6) A domestic-violence shelter caught on fire.

As you can see, all this stuff is pretty much a downer. So I thought to myself, Screw this paper! This sucks! I'm going to take a nap.

So I did. And this is very common on mass transportation. You're just sitting there, and you're bored. My stop is right after this big stop where almost everyone gets off. So I'm minding my own business and sleeping, and this guy who's about my age taps me on the arm and says, "Is this your stop?" I looked outside, saw it wasn't, looked at him strangely and said, "No."

I realize he was trying to be nice, but I was so confused by the whole thing I couldn't say anything else. And hello? I was sleeping! :)

Thanks Courtney and S for making me feel normal in your reponses yesterday. :) You girls are awesome.


Courtney said...

Awww! No problemo!

And totally lame that that guy woke you up... who does that?

s said...

hah this reminds me of the one time i was coming home from the city and it was very late and perhaps i drank more then i usually do and perhaps, maybe possibly i fell asleep and woke up at 6 am in port jefferson (which is the last stop on my line of the long island rail road) before the conductor woke my friend and i up. my dad loved getting the 8am phone call. um, sorry i didn't come home, but can you come get me now 2 hours away from home? he laughed and told me well the train took you there you can wait for the next train(4 hours later) to come bring you home. longest train ride ever!

glad you realized you are totally not crazy! well, at least not any crazier than the rest of us :)