Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Throw me a freakin' bone here

Every time I get more hours and more money that goes along with it, I start to feel better. My savings account grows slowly, and my checking account does, too. I like that feeling.

And then, lo and behold, something comes along. Like a cat and a yearly doctor visit (a couple months ago). Or, this time last year, a flat tire and a yearly doctor visit, which brought on an ultrasound to double check for cysts I knew I didn't have (and $1,000 in bills because my insurance deductible sucks).

This time, it's my washer and dryer and my car. I've had a washer and dryer in my apartment the whole time I've lived there, which is just over a year. When I moved in, the woman at the apartment office told me I wouldn't have to rent them each month because the appliance center wasn't billing them for it. As long as they didn't do an audit and realize I had one in my apartment, they wouldn't know it was there, and I wouldn't have to pay for them. Sweet!

Well, they audited. If I'd moved at the end of July when I was thinking about it, I wouldn't be in this position. Or I'd be in this position in another apartment closer to the actual city of Dallas, which has the #1 crime rate in the country. Anyway, I called two companies that rent washers and dryers to my apartment complex. It'll be from $29 to $33 a month for me to rent my not-even-full-sized STACKABLE washer and dryer each month. That means that for the remaining year that I'll be living in the fabulous city of Dallas, Texas, it'll cost me just under $400 to rent a washer and dryer. A stackable one. That's not even full-sized.

So I'm looking into buying a used one. Except every time I call, it's already sold. How do people find out about these ads so fast? At least I know it'll be easy to sell it a year from now!

As for my car, I went to get its state inspection yesterday. Two reasons Oklahoma is cooler than Texas: 1) Oklahoma realized state inspections are a pain years ago and stopped doing them. 2) My windows are not too dark in Oklahoma. Texas seems to think they are.

Granted, I do feel my windows are a little dark -- especially at night. But getting my windows tinted lighter isn't necessarily at the top of my budget to-buy list. Actually, I guess it is now -- right next to a stackable, used washer and dryer.

How am I supposed to start saving money when this crap keeps coming up?


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on Texas being silly about inspections and heck registrations!! I'm having to pay $120 for having my vehicle registered timely but not putting the stinkin sticker on. Blah.

Unknown said...

Seriously!!! We SEEMED to have extra money last month, and spent it on some much needed things- and then I find out I don't get my first stipend check until Sept. 15th. ARGGG.