Friday, August 18, 2006

I feel special!

Today after lunch, I sat innocently working in my office, and my boss stopped by and asked me to come out for a second. Then, I saw the chocolate cake he held in his hands.

My office never does things for birthdays, and it's always made me sad. I said something once about getting together a list and doing little birthday celebrations. One of the guys in the office informed me that there are too many males in the office for that to work. :(

I guess Sarah decided that sucked, and she and a couple other coworkers started planning the whole cake. And I had no idea. I was actually surprised. No one acted funny! I had no idea it was coming.

And then, I got a call that I had a package down at the security desk. I wasn't too surprised about it, since K sent me flowers and huge balloons last year on my birthday because he knew no one in the office knew it was that day and he knew I wouldn't say anything. I went downstairs to pick up the most beautiful flowers.

Just before I went to call K to say thanks, I looked at the card. Good thing, 'cause there was surprise #2!

And when I got home, I had these just inside my door from K.

Unfortunately, Noodle evidently thinks flowers are food, so I'm having to guard my roses from him so there's something left to enjoy. lol

It's been a pretty great day. I'm really excited about tomorrow, though, 'cause it'll be even better!


Unknown said...

That is SO freaking cute! I love that your dad calls you punkin. My hubby calls me that sometimes, and now he calls Amelia that. I'm glad your birthday was so awesome!!

Courtney said...

WOW!!! What amazing flowers!!!

Glad your day was so special!

s said...

i love your flowers- they are so beautiful and i love the pumkin nickname, so cute!

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS flowers. What a wonderful day!