Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Please let it just be a first-day thing

I got to work plenty early this morning, and my first impression was that I was absolutely going to love the place. The commute is awesome compared to my old job, and it's really laid back. The people seem really nice, and it just seemed like it'd be cool.

I went through an orientation, and the girl taking us around told us that on their first day, people are either really busy or really bored. Lucky me, I wound up being in the really bored category.

Today absolutely dragged by! The tasks I'm doing seem kind of mindless compared to my old job. I was really only able to do one example of what I'll be doing, and evidently they're always different. I'm hoping that it's just a first-day thing, that once I get the hang of things, I'll stay busier and the day will go by faster.

My desk is pretty sad compared to the really nice office I left behind. As I told myself many times today, it's more money, better hours and the commute is much better. I really hope all the boring parts were just because I'm getting used to it and because it was only my first day.

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