Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Be the bigger person, be the bolder person, or be the absent person?

This morning, I get to work to see an e-mail from ER. WK has asked her if we'd like to go to dinner tomorrow night.

Now ER and I, along with another friend (Softball), get together on Thursday nights for what we call Home-Stretch Thursdays to eat and watch Grey's Anatomy. Our gatherings used to be on Wednesdays, and WK used to come as well. Until she moved away, pretty quickly stopped coming and stopped talking to us. We were actually kind of relieved that she stopped coming to dinner, since she didn't allow any of us much of a chance to talk, since she told so many, "Oh my gosh, the funniest thing happened at work today" stories to the point that we became convinced she wrote them down and rehearsed them on her way to dinner.

Or she and her coworkers just think of lame things to do all day that they think will be funny to talk about later (Which could actually be partially true, since at the journalism party WK crashed -- that was the last time I saw her -- one of her best friends and co-workers said, "I hope my car doesn't get towed. But that would be a funny story: 'Hey, remember the time we were at the Gaylord Texan and my car got towed?' It's already funny, and it hasn't even happened yet." Totally not kidding. She actually said that. I didn't think it was funny. I thought it was LAME.).

Honestly, I don't want to see WK. I don't. But do I go to this dinner to prove I can be the bigger person? It'll be hard to not mention the journalism party. I mean, I'm sure she'll bring it up that that's the last time I saw her: "Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in forever! What's going on?!" And I'll feel like saying, "Yeah. Since the journalism party." And then I'll feel like saying, "You have no integrity because you took those tickets. Just so you know." But just because I feel like saying it doesn't mean I will.

I won't be able to get together with ER and Softball because some co-workers are throwing a goodbye party for me that night. I might be able to meet up later with the girls, but I'm not sure. If I met them tomorrow night, I wouldn't miss seeing them this week.

But WK would be there.

What to do ... what to do?


Anonymous said...

Oo! Invite me! Invite me! I love both dinner and Gray's Anatomy! Heh. Also, new people can be a good buffer because you just can't act shitty in front of other people. Besides, I'd call her out on it because that's the person I am. Heh. I also have all the J-School stories to one up her with. And then we fill the kiddie pool with jello and get to wrestling!

a tall sassy gal said...

Mmmm I prob would not go just so I didn't have to see her. And hope I could see my friends later on in the week.