Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Things I am VERY excited about

  • Today is my last day to take my current method of mass transportation, which I will now tell you is the train. I hate having to rush out of work to try to catch it, only to get to the station and see that my train was 1 minute early, and it's another 20 until the next one comes. There will be no more creepy people freaking me out on my way to or from work. No more people yawning by me when they haven't brushed their teeth that morning (seriously, ew!), and no more freaky old guy coming to sit by me to ask me what color my panties are. In all fairness, sometimes the train ride could be pleasant, but most of the time, I hated it. And after today, I'm done with it!
  • My wisdom tooth pain is starting to go away. Or Extra-Strength Tylenol is a gift from God. I have a suspicion it's probably a combination of the two.
  • I talked to my cousin last night, and it's official: K and I are going to Hawaii! We have plane tickets! K is calling today to make hotel reservations for us.
  • I have two and a half days left at my job.
  • I am eating pizza for lunch.

I hope you have just as many exciting things in your day. If not, be excited that it's Wednesday. The week's halfway over!

1 comment:

a tall sassy gal said...

I want to go back to Hawaii....booo on you...hehe