Monday, January 08, 2007

Productive weekend

I got quite a bit done over the last couple days! Friday night, I ran a couple errands, then came home and just vegged out. It was nice. I considered going to the gym, but I decided to just put it off until Saturday morning. I even tried to get K to tell me I should go. I said to him, "I should go to the gym, right?" His answer: "Why don't you just relax tonight? You can go tomorrow." (Who couldn't fall in love with that guy?!) I did take all my Christmas decorations down after watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, so it wasn't a completely lazy night.

Saturday I got up and went to the gym as I'd planned. It felt good to work out after being out of town or busy unpacking and settling back in over the last couple weeks, which has kept me from going as much (at all, really). After that, I met a friend of a friend for lunch to talk about her job. I've been offered a position at the company she works at -- a completely different kind of company than I work for now.

The job seems like it'll be a really good fit for me. Bonuses: (1) I'd make quite a bit more a year. (2) It's fewer hours of work (9-5, baby!). (3) I get 20 days of vacation a year there (They don't get sick days, so those count as vacation, but seeing how I haven't taken a sick day in the year and a half I've had them, odds are good I'd get 20 vacation days!). (4) The company actually cares about employee morale. (5) It's half the distance from my apartment than my current job is. (6) I'd get to work around people!

The only part that's bad is I'm going to have to walk into my boss's office and totally sideswipe him with this news. It's pretty much going to suck.

After that lunch, I was productive again, then had dinner with ER and her family and several friends. I got a gift card for Christmas so I could buy the desk I really wanted, so I picked that up and spent the rest of Saturday night putting it together. It looks awesome, and I'm totally proud of myself.

I've gotten really into putting furniture together lately. I think it's awesome that since I'm a girl, I can be very proud of myself for doing that.

Today, I cleaned my whole apartment. I also went to David's Bridal to try on my bridesmaids dress for my cousin's wedding. She picked out a really cute dress, so I'm really excited about it. It's one I'll be able to wear again, so that's awesome

It was really hard, though, going into David's Bridal. Part of me wanted to cry for a minute or two in there. All these girls were standing on these pedestals with their big, white dresses on.

As soon as I walked into the store, this girl asked if she could help me. I told her I was there to try on a bridesmaid's dress. She said she would get someone to help me. I happened to see on a rack right in front of me the dresses like I was there to try on, so I picked one up. I looked toward the back of the store, where the dressing rooms would be. There was a maze of brides in poofy dresses, and I figured they had special auditorium-sized dressing rooms to get those things on. I didn't need anything like that, so I asked the girl who'd bombarded me at the door if there were smaller dressing rooms for nonbrides. (What I really wanted to call them were reject dressing rooms. At David's Bridal, that's what it feels like.)

The girl looked at me like I'd asked a dumb question, since obviously there are smaller rooms for nonbrides. "I'll get someone to help you," she said.

"Really, it's okay," I told her. "I have the dress in my hands. I can do everything else myself. I just need to know where to try it on."

I was trying to make it simple for the girl. "I'll help you," she said. Then, she called over this other woman to take me to the dressing rooms. The only one that wasn't occupied was a handicapped dressing room. I went in and closed the door, and I noticed there were no dressing rooms. That explains why every wall around the dressing room area was mirrored, but I didn't need to see the dress from 360 degrees. All I needed was to make sure it was the right size. I tried my dress on, and I barely opened the door and stepped out to make sure it fit right. I just felt weird, since everyone else was there with at least one other person. One person in each group seemed to be a bride in her gown on her pedestal, with her one friend or many friends standing below looking up at her with this huge, awestruck smile. I wasn't there for that. I wanted to get in and get out.

So I did. I have to go back in February because I had to order my dress, since they didn't have it in the right color. Do I dare say that next time, hopefully I'll be going there in search of one of those poofy white dresses?


Anonymous said...

Um, if that company wants to hire another person, like, ME for example, I wouldn't mind. Just an FYI.

Let us know if you survive!

Katrina said...

That new job sounds great! (But I know I would dread telling my old boss, too. You just have to take a deep breath and do it, like ripping off a band-aid!)

What do you do for your gym workout, if you don't mind my asking?

I can relate to your bridal shop experience. I was the bridesmaid many more than three times before I was the bride! How wonderful of your cousin to choose dresses that actually flatter the bridesmaids instead of going the other direction. Heh!

a tall sassy gal said...

New job is awesome. You are starting out your year just right.

I understand the David's bridal thing. It is hard when you know you are close to that point but not there yet. I am struggling too.
My sister's wedding is in 55 days.

Courtney said...

Ugh - I can't see bridal magazines, or wedding dress stores, or girls with diamonds on their finger without welling up with tears. Seriously EVERY day that Kyle and I don't get engaged kills me. :( :( :(