Friday, August 03, 2007

I'm the Al Gore of digital picture frames

Last night after work I drove to Louisiana to spend the weekend with K. He'll be training the rest of this month, so I'm working from home today in his apartment while he's at work. We'll actually have Friday night together this way, though, instead of me spending it in a car.

I got here at about 11:45 last night. Since we'll miss our birthdays while K is training, we exchanged gifts as soon as I got here. I got K a U.S. Army cycling jersey and some portable speakers (in black) for his iPod. He really liked them.

He got me the Dream Blanket from Brookstone, which is the softest thing I've ever felt. When we flew together to Pennsylvania in April for his friend's wedding, we killed some time in the airport at a Brookstone and first found the blankets there. We both thought they were really soft, but I had forgotten about them. Thank goodness K didn't! I love it!

K also got me something that we should not have had to pay for. I did invent them, after all. See, here's what happened: You know that whole government phone-tapping thing? Well, some government dude was listening in on my phone calls a few years back when I first told someone of my new idea. Being the huge picture person I am, I have a hard time choosing which photos to put in frames. And it's hard to keep updating them. I came up with the idea of an electronic picture frame that worked like a slideshow does on your computer. That way, you can choose several photos for your frame.

So the government official dude was like, "Wow! What an awesome idea!" And since he was a government guy, he had all these connections and hookups -- many more than I had as a lowly college kid. He found the right guy who could help him get "his" idea rolling, and BAM! Now they're rich, all off my idea. Bastards.

But K got me a digital frame. I figured I wouldn't get one until K and I lived together. Since it's just me in my apartment, I don't spend a lot of time there, and I don't have many people come over. We usually meet up at restaurants or something. When K and I live together, we'll become the GFF family of our neighborhood, holding dinner parties and game night watching parties. Then, people will be able to appreciate our awesome photo frame slideshow.

And K being K (and the huge gadget guy he is), he had to get the super-duper-electronic frame, which plays videos and even has speakers in the back.

The speakers and video thing wasn't my idea, so snazzy Government Eavesdropper Guy can take credit for that part. But I'm still not giving him credit for the frame!


k said...

OK, so I think I bought that same digital frame for my parents but I ended up returning it because I couldn't figure out how to get any pictures on it other than ones that were already on a memory card. Did you have problems? (Maybe it is a different frame and just looks the same?)

a tall sassy gal said...

I am dying laughing about the frame.

Oh the blanket is the best. I have the pillow.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I thought of that frame back in 1996. The day I got my computer that had a picture slideshow as a screensaver. Booyah!