Monday, August 13, 2007

Pump, pump, pump it up!

I had such an awesome night at the gym! I got there before Jeremy and our other workout buddy, so I got a head start on cardio. I've discovered that somehow, Coldplay really gets me in a good cardio mode -- not the slow "In My Place" Coldplay, but the songs like "Whisper" and "Daylight," the ones that are a little faster.

Since I was at 7 min. of cardio for our 5-min. warmup when the guys were only at about 2 min., I headed to the back to do some crunches on the ab machines. It had been a while since I'd visited those particular machines, but I'd done an ab exercise or two in almost every workout. Well, it had made a difference, because I did twice as many crunches as usual before I had to stop. My break was much shorter before I did my standard number of crunches for my second set. By then, the guys were finished with their warmup, and I was at 100 crunches!

From there, I proceeded to totally kick @$$ on the rest of our workouts. I went up in weight on most of them. I even did a few (just a few, but my form was correct, which says a lot) curls with the 17.5 pound weights! I usually just do 12.5!

I was doing great on cardio, and every song that played in shuffle mode on my iPod was perfect for my workout. I love days like that at the gym!

When I left, there were free gym bags on the counter. I'd totally needed a bag like that but had never bought one, and there they were -- free!

And when I got in my car, "MMMBop" was playing, and I've already confessed how I feel about that song. It just added to my upbeat mood.

Now I'm all fresh and clean, and I'm totally going to celebrate kickin' butt at the gym with a little bit of my favorite ice cream (light!) and a little -- okay, a lot -- of drama on the season premiere of The Hills! (That's two of my guilty pleasures right there, and the third I enjoyed when I got home from work!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome trip to the gym - days like that actually make you want to go back!

(Also, I recorded The Hills but have yet to watch it. Am drooling a little.)