Wednesday, August 01, 2007

One sleepy girl

I've been behind on sleep lately, and I'd hoped to catch up this weekend. It didn't happen. Friday night, I stayed up working on some things around my apartment. Saturday was a busy day full of errands, so I was definitely going to bed early that night. Jeremy had wanted to copy over some of my music so he could get some new stuff on his mp3 player. He wound up loading some new CDs onto my computer, and by the time I left his apartment, it was 1:30 a.m.

I was definitely going to bed early on Sunday night, and I was looking forward to it. And then my air conditioner went out. It's a long story, but I called the emergency maintenance guy. Here's a run-down:
  • 8:00 p.m. -- I call apartment emergency line and leave message about broken A/C
  • 8:15 -- Get call from George, who tells me he'll be over in 20 minutes to fix A/C
  • 8:50 -- With still no sign from George, I call him back on the number he'd called me on at 8:20. I tell him I wanted to make sure he didn't fix my A/C unit outside and I didn't realize it. He told me he'd forgotten to call me, but that his Freeon-checking gauge was broken. He would have to go off-site to get a new one, and he'd come by in an hour. I said, "That's fine. But if for some reason you can't make it in an hour, can you please call me so I can find another place to sleep?" I made sure he understood that was important, and he told me he'd call me if that happened.
  • 10:15 -- Still no sign of George. I call him again, but he doesn't answer. I leave a message. "Sorry to bug you," I say, "but I just really need to know if you'll be able to come tonight. I've got work tomorrow, so I've got to get to bed soon. Please call me back and let me know if you'll be able to fix the A/C tonight."
  • 10:45 -- Phone rings. As I pick it up to see it's George, he hangs up (after like 2 rings). I immediately call him back. He answers the call, but he says nothing, and the background noise makes it sound like he's in a bar or at a wild party. He hangs up after 6 seconds. I try to call him back, and he doesn't answer.
  • 11:05 -- Ever the optimist, I try to call him one last time as I'm leaving to go to ER's to spend the night on her couch. No answer.
  • 1:45 A.M. Monday -- I'm awakened by my phone ringing. It's George. I don't answer.
  • 9:05 a.m. -- I call apartment office to complain about the above events.

My air conditioner was fixed when I got home on Monday. Of course, it was running full-blast all day with my window open and the thermostat set on 65 degrees (another call was made to my apartment office about that). I was able to get to bed at 11:00 p.m., and it was awesome. I slept so hard that it felt like I'd been out for a whole 2 seconds before my alarm was waking me for work the next day (Tuesday).

I decided I'd have to go to bed early Tuesday night also, just to really catch up. I wasn't able to make cookies for the care packages over the weekend, so as soon as I got home last night, I ate a quick sandwich and started baking. I had one batch done just in time to rush to the gym to meet Jeremy a bit after 8. We worked out for a little over an hour, and I headed back home to shower and bake another batch of cookies.

I wrote four- and five-page letters to each of the guys I was sending packages to. I printed them out on pretty, colorful paper. I sprayed the two pillowcases I'd bought and washed for each of them with Febreeze so they'd smell extra fresh and clean, and I put them in plastic baggies so they'd stay fresh in the package. I wrapped the room fresheners I was sending in two Wal-Mart bags to lessen the smell so it wouldn't permeate the snacks in the box. I carefully placed the pictures and the letters in places the guys would see them quickly, but where they wouldn't get bent up. I packed everything tight in the boxes and got the packages ready to go. Believe it or not, by the time I'd packed everything, filled out the customs forms and taped up the boxes like they were carrying my tax records, it was after 3 a.m. I did a few more things I needed to get done, and by the time I climbed into bed, it was 3:45.

Needless to say, I was not happy to hear my alarm clock going off this morning at 7:45. I got up, though, and I mailed the packages on my way to work.

I've got another busy night in store, though. I'm driving to Louisiana after work and will work from home Friday so I'll get to spend more time with K, since I won't see him again until Labor Day weekend. That means tonight, I'll be packing. I really want to go to the gym tonight and get some ab workouts in, so we'll see what happens. No matter what, though, I hope I have much better luck with getting to bed at a decent hour tonight!

1 comment:

a tall sassy gal said...

I am trying to catch up on sleep and don't even have the urge to blog right now.