Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Annoyed, but not surprised

I got an email from my mom on Monday. Even after her last email, I figured I'd hear from her sometime before the wedding. I figured she'd call on my birthday, since it would give her the perfect excuse to get back in touch. But she didn't.

I thought for sure that she'd send me a card. I never got it. And that's what her email was about:
Just wanted to let you know that the birthday card I sent to you came back in todays mail. I didn't forget your birthday. I thought of you all day.

Either you have moved or I got the address wrong. I hate to think that you may have moved without letting me know.

I want you to know that I love you so much and I long for the day when you want me in your life again.

My response was short and simple:
I haven't moved. Still in the same place. If you didn't put my apartment number on it or had the wrong one, then I wouldn't have gotten it.

Then, yesterday, I got this response from her:

It saddens me that there is no emotion in you.

I've done many things throughout my life that I am not proud of...things said and not said, actions and responses that were not thought through.

Regardless of your response, I want you to know once again that I am so sorry for my mistakes and wish there was a way to undo so many things. That being said, I now try to live my life better today by following the teachings of Christ. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I hope that more than anything else you invite Christ to your wedding and to your marriage. Without Him, the hard times are much worse.

I miss you and love you very much.

First off, having her not be a part of my life is a decision she made, not me. Her actions and words through the course of my whole life -- and the way she treated my brother and my dad -- has brought us to this point. I just don't want to pretend that I'm okay with what she did. She physically abused my brother, and she emotionally and verbally abused our whole family. She was hard to live with, and she cheated on my dad. Then, when they got a divorce, she dragged it out so long that he finally gave her almost everything just to be done with it. Of course I'm still angry about that. My dad doesn't have an enemy in the world. He's worked so hard his whole life, and that's how she treats him?

I think I'm going to stick to my response of no response. My mom and I always manage to go through this cycle where we get in a huge fight, she cries and I get annoyed, we don't talk for a long time, and some big life event finally comes up to where we start talking again, which leads to the fight, which leads to the not talking again. I hate it. And my mom annoys me. A lot.

"It saddens me"? Really? Who talks like that?!


a tall sassy gal said...

Hang in there.

Courtney said...

:( Ugh. Big hugs from me. And yes, hang in there.

Stacey Brandow said...

If I was there, I'd hug it out! I know it's hard though.