Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Our first wedding gift!

I had a package notice on my door when I got home last night. Since I hadn't ordered anything, I had to go this morning to my apartment office to get the package and give in to my curiosity. I suspected it might have something to do with a friend of mine and K's asking for my address, but I wasn't sure. A woman in my apartment office handed me a pretty large box when I showed her my package notice. The sender label was something I didn't recognize, and the box had come from New Jersey. The friends I'd thought had sent the package live in Georgia. I was confused.

I took the package to my car, putting it up to my ear to listen for ticking before realizing no one would be sending me a bomb in the mail (hey, better safe!). When I got in my car, I cut through the tape on the box with my keys. I opened the lid to find tons of bubble wrap.

I pulled back layer after layer, and finally, I saw a color peeking out that even this small-town Oklahoma girl recognized.

My jaw immediately dropped, and I paused in shock only for a moment before continuing to pull back the bubble wrap. What was revealed underneath was a simple box, in that oh-so-famous shade of blue, with two envelopes on top.

I didn't know which to open first, so I reached for the big one. I had debated on waiting to open the package until K was with me, but that'll be a long time from now. He'd probably tell me to go ahead and open it anyway. Besides, the large envelope contained a paper telling me exactly what was inside. Oops.

I opened the small enveloped to find the sweetest card. I was teary eyed at the message and the thought, especially since it was from two people who I know are very close to K.

Once I knew what the box contained, I had to open it. But I had to be in my apartment to do it. I rushed back and carefully carried the box up the stairs and into my apartment. I untied the bow and pulled the lid off, only to see another box, this one engraved.

When I pulled that lid off, there they were.

I gingerly pulled one of the glasses out of the box, and as I did, it made a sound so much sweeter than my cheapy Wal-Mart champagne glasses ever made.

I can't believe our friends were so sweet (and generous) to send us such beautiful champagne glasses. This couple is so close to K. They were there for him after his bad breakup with CM, and they're both really close friends of his. I met them once in February of 2006, but I really hit it off with both of them. They're such great people, and I have so much respect for them as a couple since the last few years have been so rough for them. D-n has been in Iraq three times in the last five or so years, each deployment lasting a year. He's there right now, actually (he's one of the three guys I sent care packages to a few weeks ago), for 15 months this time. It definitely takes a strong relationship to come through all of that stress and still be standing together.

It's for all of those reasons that I've already decided these champagne glasses are exactly what K and I will use for our toast both on the beach in Florida after our ceremony, and in Dallas at our reception.


Courtney said...

What an awesome gift - and I LOVE how you plan to use them!!!

So sweet!

Yay for weddings!!!

a tall sassy gal said...

The blue box is the best and those are gorgeous!