Thursday, August 09, 2007

Why allowing beer at work might not be such a good idea (for me, anyway)

Br!an is our !ntern at work. I know him because we were in band together my senior year at OU (his freshman year). I helped get him the !nternship here. Tomorrow is his last day.

Some co-workers and I surprised Br!an today with a beer at his desk, since one of his favorite parts about being here is that we can have beer during office hours. We were talking and asking him about his schedule for his senior year.

One of my co-workers asked how many hours Br!an has left to take before graduating. "Thirty-five," he told us. My co-worker asked how he was going to take that many hours his senior year. Br!an told us he was going to try to take Spanish during winter break.

I looked at Br!an and asked, "Are you sure you can take a language class during intercourse?"

(Believe me, I now completely remember that what I meant to say was "intersession." Would've been nice if I remembered that before I opened my mouth.)


Anonymous said...

Wow. Now THAT would be multi-tasking.

s said...

i had to read it twice to understand your mistake haha, but that would take some serious talent.

a tall sassy gal said...

Oh geez I do funny stuff like that even if I have not had anything to drink!

L said...

that is SO funny! definitely something i would say. my friends say that i accidentally use sexual innuendos all the time.