Wednesday, November 15, 2006

If that's not love ...


Two months ago, not many people would have known what that means, but I would have. And I would have laughed my head off with the few who were fortunate enough to know the greatness that is Ali G/Sascha Baron Cohen before the movie Borat.

My sophomore year in college, we would have gatherings at Brad's apartment to watch Da Ali G Show. His three roommates, their two girlfriends (no, they didn't share -- one was single), Brad, me and sometimes a few others would die laughing each week at his antics as they aired on HBO.

In the summer of 2005, when I'd just moved to Dallas, I read that Ali G was in this very city filming, but too many people recognized him and were ruining his antics by revealing his characters.

I'd told K about Ali G many times, but he'd never seen the show. Luckily, K has Netflix. We got season one of his show and watched it a couple weeks before K left. We didn't have enough time to watch season two.

But I got K into Ali G back in August, so now I feel like I should wait to see Borat until he gets back. Luckily, it's soon enough that if we miss it in the theaters, we'll at least be able to catch it at the dollar movies. But it's killing me that all these people have seen it and know even newer jokes from it, when I've been a fan for so long but am having to watch the paranoia from the outside as though I have no idea what the fuss is about.

Repeating to self: It's all for K.

1 comment:

L said...

I watched Ali G for the first time about a year ago. So funny. I can't wait to see the movie. I've heard it's hilarious.