Friday, November 10, 2006

Well that's not good ...

I'm wearing my new brown ballet flats for the first time today. I was excited for casual Friday because I knew I could break them out of my closet for the first time with jeans and my OU polo. And that's what I did. But there's a problem.

I didn't notice it until it was too late. I was already at work, walking through the halls of my department, when I heard the sound.

With every step I take (with my right shoe in particular) -- every time the ball of my foot rubs against the sole of my shoes -- a farting sound comes out of my shoe.

Pretty sure I'm gonna be getting some interesting looks at work today.


my life is brilliant said...

You know what, Jef? Just for you, I might have to find myself an OU tattoo for tomorrow. IT'S ON!!!!!

a tall sassy gal said...

Aww that sucks but at least you look cute still I am sure.

Anonymous said...

Heh. I just can't help but laugh and I may just be giving you a weird look right now. Hehe. No seriously can you get some of those Dr. Scholl's thingies the one made for heels and such that may help?ht

Phats said...

Hmm turnabout is fair play

BOOMER SOONER!!!!!!!!! haha just ignore that prediction I made, Jef made me do it.