Tuesday, November 28, 2006

So exhausted, but so excited

Last night, I stayed up until about 1 a.m. getting everything done I needed to do. I picked up the wine on my way home last night. I went to Whole Foods and got this amazing peanut butter I'd heard about. (They grind it from fresh peanuts on the spot -- I watched.) I ran to Wal-Mart and got some markers to finish my pretty sign for the welcome-home ceremony so K can find me faster. I bought a Christmas tree and some lights to put up at his apartment.

And I baked my cheesecake. It takes 32 oz. of cream cheese. I don't have a blender. It takes some elbow grease and some serious love to make homemade cheesecake with no blender. But I did it.

I finished my sign, and then I started packing. As I put on my makeup this morning, I called Cingular and got K's cell phone reconnected, since he'd had it turned off while he was gone. It took me forever and a day to load the car. My trunk is packed.

Last night as I was doing all these things in preparation, one of K's buddies called me. I'd sent his wife an e-mail asking her to call me if she or her husband heard anything about K's battery coming in early. I asked another friend the same. Since the guys are K's friends and are captains also -- and since they're there on post, in the same city and state that K will arrive -- I figured they'd hear any changes in plans if K wasn't able to call and let me know. So I talked to one of the guys and to another guy's wife who I became friends with. It was good to talk to them again. I miss them!

I've already told them and K that this Saturday at 7, we're going to have to get together because there's going to be a football game on I'm kind of interested in watching. OU has fought its way into the Big XII conference championship game, and I'm not missing it.

Yeah, sure, K just got back from Afghanistan. But hello, priorities?!


a tall sassy gal said...

I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear how the weekend goes. I am glad you will have him home. Now will he live in Louisiana while you live here???

L said...

yep, and you'll be playing US, so be nervous, hehe :) :) i'm definitely not missing that game either. my best friend just told me they have 3 extra tickets for it - so sad i'm so far away :(

it's so exciting that K is almost back. you'll have to post some pictures of your time together.

Courtney said...



Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time! I would really love to have your recipe for that cheesecake. Would you share?