Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Take THAT, cold!

It's so windy today! Before 8 a.m., Dallas had already had 50 mph winds. Crazy! It actually feels like November, though, so it's kind of about time.

I went to bed early again last night, and again with the aid of Nyquil. I feel even better today than yesterday. Yeah, my head is still a bit stuffy, and my nose is still kind of stuffy, but I can totally breathe out of one side, and I haven't even taken any Dayquil yet!

At this rate, I'll have totally kicked this cold maybe even by Friday. And I think I might finally go to the gym again tonight.

Me-1, Cold-0

1 comment:

a tall sassy gal said...

It is super Windy and I had to run errands in it this morning. And then it started raining. Still supposed to go eat lunch with a friend and then go to B's cousin's girls night out night. (don't ask why we are doing this in the middle of the week. her wedding is dec. 29)