Monday, November 20, 2006

So excited!

This week is Thanksgiving, which means I have a three-day work week. I think it's wrong how giddy this makes me.

And next week, I'll have a three-day work week, too. I'm taking off next Thursday and Friday to use up my final vacation days. Turns out, it should work out perfectly: K is scheduled to get home on the 30, which is NEXT THURSDAY! Now, it could change to be sooner or later. But I hope it doesn't, because that will be absolute perfect timing -- especially since it's literally the ONLY time left this year I can take off work.

So 10 days from today, I could be getting ready to see K. Or I could already be with him. That's definitely something to be excited about!


L said...

Definitely something to be excited about!

a tall sassy gal said...

Yay long is he home for??

my life is brilliant said...

He's home "for good," which means until he gets deployed again. As of right now, that's August. But that could definitely change before then. For every day they're deployed, they get one day back home that they can't be deployed. That means he can't leave until August or later, since his time is tied in with the battery he commands. At least I know I have that much time for him to be here.

a tall sassy gal said...

Wow you are going to have him for a long time...maybe something exciting will happen in that time period. And you have a lot of lost time to make up for. I think a shopping trip to Victoria's Secret is in order. :)

s said...

yayyyy!!! i'm so excited for you.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!