Friday, April 21, 2006


So Celebrate We Will tagged me, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to respond by answering these questions myself, but why not? Seems fun!

Five movies you can watch over and over again:

  1. Pretty Woman
  2. Love Actually
  3. The Wedding Planner
  4. You've Got Mail
  5. When Harry Met Sally

(Wow... I'm such a girl! I do like action movies, too. And comedies. And movies that boys like to watch...)

Five embarassing songs you know all the words to:

  1. Almost anything sung by Hanson (I know. Please don't tell.)
  2. "If I Was Invisible," Clay Aiken (Man, I sound like a dork...)
  3. "Boyfriend," Ashlee Simpson (seriously, this is getting ridiculous)
  4. "Tearin' Up My Heart," N'Sync
  5. Anything I know the words to by Britney Spears

(FYI: Songs I know the words but think it's awesome I do: "Shoop," Salt N Pepa; "Baby Got Back"; "Ice Ice Baby"; "Bohemian Rhapsody," Queen; "I Touch Myself" -- just for giggles!; "Oklahoma" -- it's our state song!)

Five Memorable Halloween Costumes:

  1. Ballerina -- I wore the tutu for weeks!
  2. Clown -- one of my firsts!
  3. Cheerleader -- Glad I wisened up before high school (just kidding, if any of you are cheerleaders)
  4. '80s rock star -- I have the perfect hair for it!
  5. My brother dressed as Frankenstein once, and it was awesome. He looked just like him. He was so cute! I think he was 9.

Five celebrities you believe may secretly be aliens:

  1. Tom Cruise -- gotta agree with you on that one, Courtney!
  2. Madonna -- Seriously, she looks just like she did 20 years ago
  3. Paris Hilton -- no one should ever be that orange
  4. Donald Trump -- maybe it would explain the hair
  5. Martha Stewart -- She has to get all those ideas somewhere!

(I was going to say Dennis Rodman, but I don't think that one's a secret.)

Five occupations you could never hold:

  1. Politician -- I would fall asleep all the time. Pretty sure that's not good.
  2. Construction worker -- You get sweaty and dirty. Two of my least favorites. (Man, I am a girl...)
  3. Anything that kept me isolated from other people. I have to be around people.
  4. Accountant -- that whole math thing...
  5. A position where I had to fire people. That would suck.

Five books you've recently read outside school:

  1. Cosmopolitan (I know it's not a book, but I read it two days ago on the plane. And I read all day every day at work!)
  2. Nicholas Sparks' The Wedding
  3. Nicholas Sparks' The Rescue
  4. Nora Roberts' Private Scandals
  5. Danielle Steel's Wings

Five ways to perfectly spend an afternoon

  1. At an OU football game
  2. With K
  3. Getting a pedicure and shopping with friends
  4. Playing outside
  5. On the beach (doesn't happen often)

Not your 5 favorite foods, but the 5 you're most likely eating:

  1. Pizza
  2. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
  3. Apple or orange
  4. Some kind of chicken
  5. Gummy bears or chocolate

Five lines you blatantly stole from a movie, TV show, commercial or song:

  1. "Harry, I took care of it!" (Dumb & Dumber) Also, "Kick his ass, Seabass!" And pretty much any other quote from that movie -- "Our pets heads are fallin' off!"
  2. "Say I'm a bird." ("You're a bird.") "Now say you're a bird, too." ("If you're a bird, I'm a bird.") from The Notebook. K and I quote that one. I know, we're disgusting. :)
  3. "It's a sweater!" The Three Amigos
  4. "It's so damn hot. Milk was a bad choice." Anchorman
  5. "You know how I know you're gay? You listen to Coldplay." The 40-Year-Old Virgin

After thinking further on it, I have to change some of my quotes. This is really hard because my friends and I and K and his friend and I all quote so many movies!! Number 2 and Number 5 are not movies we quote as much. I will switch those to:

  1. "This is kinda awesome ..." from the GEICO "Tiny House" commercial. Also from that commercial are, "I think you are so awesome," and "This is not awesome!"
  2. "I love you, but I don't have to like you right now," from How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days. I say it a lot to K joking around. Also, we're big fans of, "Our love fern! You let it DIE!"

Five people who immediately must respond:

  1. Do I even have
  2. five people
  3. who read
  4. my blog? (it's fairly new)
  5. Anyone who wants to be labeled as freakin' awesome in my book.


Courtney said...

Wow! You're fast. It took me almost a month to respond to k's tag of me. And yes, you did it perfectly.

Good call on alien Modonna and Martha Stewart! Something is not right with those two. :)

Oh! I always say "Kick his ass, Seabass." Damn! I should have thought of that! And the "Milk was a bad choice" one... LOVE IT!



Anonymous said...

Okay so Courtney DID tag me, but I was going to tag myself from your blog. So. Does that mean I'm freakin' awesome in your book ;) ? I loved your quotes! Oh and it's good to be a girlie girl :) .

my life is brilliant said...

Heck yes it does! (There's a twist off another movie quote!)

You are definitely awesome in my book.