Thursday, June 21, 2007


  • My mom still hasn't answered my email about the Florida wedding.
  • I talked to my high school boyfriend's mom, who I still keep in touch with, and she is coming to the Florida wedding. In fact, she flies into Dallas from two weeks in Europe the day before the Florida wedding. Instead of leaving the airport to head home, she's hopping on another plane to Florida!
  • My wisdom tooth surgery is tomorrow. I'm so ready to have them out! Especially since the gums around my bottom left wisdom tooth have been swollen all week.
  • The best part? I get to lay around tomorrow and take naps, and I get to watch movies all day with ER, who is driving me to my surgery. And I get to eat ice cream and Jello all day -- doctor's orders!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Ugh about your mom.
Wow about your ex's mom.
Yikes/Yay! about your wisdom teeth - I hope it went well!
Jealous! about the lying around all day thing.
