Thursday, June 28, 2007

~~*@*~~!! ThAnG$ I 1-dR bOuT tN@Gr$ !!~~*@*~~

  1. Do they ever get tired of capitalizing EvErY oThEr LeTtEr? Does it not take them twice as long to do that in emails?
  2. How many different symbol combinations do they try before they find the perfect one (for that day)?
  3. Do they really know what all those abbreviations mean?
  4. Do they spend more time studying online lingo than they do for school so they can translate their own conversations?
  5. What do they do when all those "pretty" symbols don't fit on one line (see my subject?)? (My hard work is ruined -- I'd never make it as a teenager today!)



Anonymous said...

I think I know what YOU'VE been editing today.

California Girl said...

OMG - you know what else they do? Leave way too many extra letters on words, as if they are too cool to go and clean up their writing.

For example - heyy whatss uppp? Loveeee youu

a tall sassy gal said...

I have no clue what you are even saying that is how out of it I am.

My 17 year old sister does that crap and I told her to use her brain for something more productive!

L said...

Oh man, these same things annoy me!!