Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Please pray for me ...

I just sent my mom the details of our Florida wedding. I still haven't talked to her since our last fight. She probably knows about the Florida thing, since my stepsister asked how planning was going and I told her we were planning a small ceremony on a beach in Florida. I couldn't not tell my mom about my wedding.

I just sent her basic info, and I told her there would be about 30 people there -- including Dad and his girlfriend. We'll see what my mom says about it. If she talks about going, I'll tell her she has to be okay with the fact that Dad and his gf will be there. That'll be a fun conversation.

Anyway, I'm sure this will be an interesting development. At least I'll have a good excuse to not talk to her on Friday!

1 comment:

a tall sassy gal said...

Crossing my fingers it goes better than expected.