Thursday, June 21, 2007

You know you're extremely OCD when ...

I was working on something at my desk when my (married) cubemate turned around to me and said, "I have a quote. It's good enough to interrupt you."

I turned to her as she read aloud from the paper she was reading: "Forget love. I'd rather fall in chocolate."

I was quiet.

"I like that," she said.

Feeling like she was wanting my opinion on the quote, I said, "Well, at least love can help you burn calories, and chocolate only adds them. Plus, chocolate would be really hard to wash off."

She laughed at me.


Liz said...

I like what you had to say better!

a tall sassy gal said...

i am with you!

Courtney said...

mmmmmmmmm... giant puddle of chocolate waiting to be fallen into.... mmmmmmmmm chocolate.

Sorry, bad time of the month for me.