Sunday, June 25, 2006

It's official: I'm the only person who knows how to drive in Texas

K's in Pensacola, Florida, with the boys this weekend, so I went to the horse races with ER and her boyfriend Dan and some of their friends on Friday night. It was pretty fun. They all went out to a bar afterward, but I was too tired! I came home and went to bed, cuddling with Noodle.

Yesterday I was pretty productive and did some laundry, cleaned my bathroom and got a pedicure! ER and I went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory -- yum! -- and to see Click. It's okay, but not what I thought it was going to be. I was expecting more of a comedy than it was.

After the movie, ER was tired and went home. It wasn't even 10:30, and I wanted to go out to a bar or something. I called a guy friend of mine and he was going to get dressed (he'd been watching a movie) and come over to my place, and we'd go to a bar together. I was driving on the highway and went to exit to another highway.

The exit was one of those typical Texas exits that's one lane that curls up and over to connect with the other highway, so there are concrete walls on either side. I'm not a slow driver, but there was this stupid SUV tailgating me. I hate being tailgated, so I put on my flashers to say, "Hey! Get off my @$$!" Well, the douchebag did for a second, then sped back up. I though, "Okay, if you're going to tailgate me, you're going to do it slowly." So I slowed down. He kind of backed off so I sped up again going along my way. (This was a long exit ramp. Like I said, it curled up and over.) My exit was the first one after the highway I was now on, so I stayed in the right-hand lane. Of course, the SUV behind me was speeding up to pass me because the lane had opened up. I was actually (I know, I know) rolling down my window to do something that I never do but felt was clearly warranted in this situation -- I was going to give him the bird.

Well, as I had my finger on the button to roll down my window, the car was speeding past me. I noticed the passenger had his window down. Next thing I knew, I heard something hit my car. I immediately watched the car fly past me and repeated the jerk's license plate number over and over as I dialed 991. I realized how flustered I was, hung up, continued repeating the plate and dialed 911. I told the operator what had just happened, and she transfered me to an operator in the suburb I was in. I repeated my story. The operator was really helpful, but she had to transfer me back to the Dallas operator, since I was very close to Dallas city limits. The suburb operator had told me an officer would be sent out. The Dallas operator told me that an officer would be on the lookout for the vehicle.

I said, "Wait, so is all this in vain? Are they going to get a notice or a ticket sent to their house? They were tailgating, and then they threw a full can at my car. They littered, and I hate littering. Unless some officer happens to come upon them, they're just going to get away with this?" She told me I could file a police report or start some investigation thing or something. I told her that was what I want to do. She gave me the number to call, but they're only open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The operator had said it was a 24-hour line. I left a message, and hopefully those punks will get a ticket or something. At the least, I want to find out who they are and talk to their parents.

I always tell my family back in Oklahoma that I'm the only person who knows how to drive in Texas. (Dallas is well known for its terrible drivers.) I am now more convinced it's true.

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