Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ow, ow, ow ...

Since Jeremy moved to Dallas and lives less than a half a mile from me, he's become my gym partner. I've realized that I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing in the gym, and he does. I've gotten a lot better workouts since we started working out together. On Sunday, we did backs and triceps, and oh ... my ... gosh!!! My back is so sore today!

My arms were a little sore yesterday, but it may be because I did biceps a couple days before I did triceps, so my arms were getting a lot out of it. When I went to get out of bed, though, was when I first felt it. My first thought was, "This must be what it feels like to be 40." Whew!

Now it's really starting to feel like cramps, which is funny because it's definitely not. It's really throwing me off, though!

At work today, though, Sarah told me she'd noticed my arms were getting really toned and cut. Woohoo!

And just so you know I'm not kidding about crazy Dallas drivers, when Jeremy was on his way home from the gym on Sunday night, he said someone threw a drink at his car. The only reason he could think of that someone would do that was the OU sticker he has on the back of his car. Jeremy actually started to follow the punks, but they ran a red light, and he realized also that they had two people in their car. He was the only one in his. He didn't get their license plate number, though. And it happened right by where the punks threw a drink at me.


Anonymous said...

Drinks at the car?! That's really dangerous. If you think Dallas is bad I've heard some CRAZY stuff about LA - one's where people throw horrible horrible stuff. So hopefully Dallas isn't THAT crazy.

You know this last time we visited there the place where we were at I really enjoyed and could actually see why some people would want to live in Dallas. We got to see some of the smaller towns in Dallas up North and to the west which was alot of fun.

Wow you are working out a LOT lately!! Go you!

s said...

come back to blogworld soon,please :) hope all is well and you had a wonderful holiday weekend!

Unknown said...

Good for you!!! I'm working on the toning as well. It's hard work, this waking up and feeling 40 thing.

PS. My little bro made me the James Blunt cd and I think of your blog every time I hear the beginning of that song :)