Monday, October 30, 2006

Best e-mail ever

In my inbox this morning:

Hey there, sexy stranger!
Things have been extremely crazy and I had to go back out on a couple of missions here this past week...didn't leave much time to give you a call. Should've left an email though. ANYWAY, we just received a Warning Order that we are redeploying. It's not 100% official, but that order should be out here in a day or two. The colonel also shut phones and internet down for 48 hours to alleviate rumors...worked a little. Bottom line, I should be home by the end of next month. No dates in stone yet, merely planning. I can give you more definitive dates, answers, etc once we get to BAF, which should be in the next week or so. ... I am so freaking excited. I miss you terribly and love you more than anything.
Also, ... Alpha Battery [which is the battery his roommate commands] won't be coming either; our extention and their backfill of us both got disapproved. We'll see what happens next. Can't wait to talk to you and SEE you soon. Love and miss you TONS!!!!


s said...

i couldn't be more excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Hooray!! Hooray!!! That's so exciting!