Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Great things you can't see

I blogged this morning about last night. It was an awesome post, but my computer at work chose to act up and not post it, so it's gone. Too bad. You'd have loved it.

And the new look of my page? It's not quite what it's supposed to be. I've tried to fix it, but it won't work. Whenever I hit "preview" after making changes, I'm directed to the most beautiful, perfect page I've ever seen. The "About Me" text on the right is lined up so perfectly with the date header of my blog posts, and the wonderful cream, textured background goes in a perfect rail all the way to the bottom of the page. The text on the links/about me rail to the right has a slight margin so it's not bumping into the white background of the posts. It's gorgeous.

It's probably good that you can't see it, because I'm sure you'd probably just sit at your computer screen all day staring at how wonderful the page looks. You'd be very unproductive, and your boss would fire you, or your spouse would be mad at you, or your child would starve because you're so awestruck that you've forgotten to feed the poor kid. And my post was so magnificent you'd read it over and over, producing the same results as the glorious page.

So I hope you're glad that the Internet isn't being so cooperative right now. I just don't think I could handle having such bad things happening to you on my conscience.

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